To savour delectable literature, chew slowly. Happy holidays! #reading #nonfiction #tejucole #knownandstrangethings
To savour delectable literature, chew slowly. Happy holidays! #reading #nonfiction #tejucole #knownandstrangethings
Ile's novel is a different, multi-dimensional telling of the story of the people of southern Nigeria. Here, they are not just victims of a corrupt government and oil companies, but also victims of their own greed and their inhumanity to each other.
What I most enjoyed about this book is the originality. I love that history and the culture of the people are a prominent part of the story; it's beautiful.
A very enjoyable read. #bookreview
"There were sides to Nagassawa's personality that conflicted in the extreme. Even I would be moved by his kindness at times, but he could just as well be malicious and cruel. He was both a spirit of amazing loftiness and an irredeemable man of the gutter. He could charge forward, the optimistic leader, even as his heart writhed in a swamp of loneliness."
I enjoyed reading this book, but I didn't think it was spectacular.
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore -
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat
Or crust and sugar over -
Like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load
Or does it explode?
- Langston Hughes
#Currentlyreading #lorrainehansberry #araisininthesun #play #drama
Bonnie Nadzam does AMAZING things with words, but the story itself doesn't go anywhere. It is as flat and unending as the plain lands north of Lions.
I could not really get a sense of the characters too, who they were or what they wanted. Except bratty Leigh, of course.
Will be reading this along with 'Lions' this weeekend. #HarukiMurakami #NorwegianWood #Weekendreads
😍 IN. LOVE. with the opening lines of this book. #Lions #BonnieNadzam #currentread
There are several problems in life that a steaming bowl of rice cannot solve - crazy work schedules, tight deadlines, ridiculous traffic, for example - aren't you glad hunger isn't one of them? || I LOVED reading #AkataWitch. It is so refreshingly different. It will be published (is it out yet?) in the UK by @cassavarepublicpress as What Sunny Saw in the Flames.
#AfricanLiterature #AkataWitch #NnediOkoroafor #BooksandLunch #Rice #Foodandbooks
This is an interesting read. It started a lot of conversations in my head about scenarios I never would have thought of had I not read it. Its focus is narrow and purpose singular, but it's a good read, if only for the speculation you're bound to begin as soon as you're done reading.
#booktober #reading #theothereinstein #mariebenedict #sourcebooks #arc
I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK. It's funny and brilliant and beautiful. I felt as if I moved around with the Wangs, witnessing their woes and knowing they would be always find a way to be together and to be okay.
History, money, family, love, betrayal, and second chances all swirl to make this a rich, fluffy, delicious mix - like Andrew's fried rice.
Rating: 4.2 stars.
#Bookreview #thewangsvstheworld #hmhbooks #BOTMPick #diversebooks
I need to read this book again. Chew slowly and digest. Until it is written on that piece of memory that can never be lost.
#Bookreview #the shack #williamPYoung
l got an ARC of this book a while ago and was gonna get to it. Then I saw it is one of #BookoftheMonthBookClub's selections for October and I moved it up the #TBR pile! Digging in and it's so layered. #TheWangsVsTheWorld #JadeChang #hmhc #arc
This. Book!! An excellent read! It's not your typical YA; you'll be pleasantly surprised. I absolutely love everything about this book: the plot, the characters and their development, the pace, everything. You have GOT to read this one. I rate it 4.5 stars!
#thelietree #franceshardinge #costaawardwinner #bookreview
"Mack, pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly." She waited a moment, allowing her words to settle. "And if it's left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place."
#theshack #williampaulyoung #currentread #quote
I think of this as a book of hope, of second chances. Like a call to all of earth's lost children: "You can turn around. You can come home."
I like the themes of love, forgiveness, & getting back up. However, I was underwhelmed by the story: I had read reviews that got me hyped about it.
It's my first Hoffman read though; maybe I'm not used to her writing is all.
#Faithful #AliceHoffman #review #minireview #bookreview
"People say if you face your worst fear the rest is easy, but those are people who are afraid of rattlesnakes or enclosed spaces, not of themselves and the horrible things they've done."
#faithful #alicehoffman #arc #books
Excited to be reading this with my girls.
Happy weekend, guys!
#TheShack #WPaullYoung #Books #Bookswithfriends
@thebooksatchel is hosting #tbschimabdayread on IG and this book is up for discussion today. Such a wonderful book. Definitely a must-read.
#Americanah #ChimamandaNgoziAdichie #AfricanLiterature #NigerianLiterature #books #FarafinaPublishers
One of the most heart-rending books I've read yet. I love the flow of the story, and the descriptions of the human condition. And, the writing is so fantastic.
#ALittleLife #HanyaYanagihara #Books #Romance
"A colon is sometimes preferable to a semicolon if the thrust of the sentence is forward: you are amplifying something, providing a definition or a list or an illustration. The semicolon sets up a different relationship; whatever follows relates in a more subtle way to what came before. A dash can perform either of these services, but it is looser, less formal."
#MaryNorris #betweenyouandme #confessionsofacommaqueen #books #booksaboutwriting
"We may be happy enough with little if little is what we have come to expect, and we may be miserable with much when we have been taught to desire everything."
#AlaindeBotton #StatusAnxiety #Philosophy