First time listening to an audiobook in a while! It has it's advantages. This one's just okay so far, but my friend swears it gets great, so I'm pressing on!
First time listening to an audiobook in a while! It has it's advantages. This one's just okay so far, but my friend swears it gets great, so I'm pressing on!
“All the truth in the world is held in stories.”
This is the type of book my nose is in as often as not. First full run through tonight!
One of the six books I bought in the last 24 hours.💀 I normally try to avoid movie covers, but before I knew it I was 84 pages in so I made an exception. Plus it‘s Jessica Chastain and I have an actor crush, fight me. Anyway I‘m loving Molly‘s Game so far, and I‘ll probably finish it tonight!