Just a little Over The Garden Wall as a palate cleanser, then straight in The Devil in Silver. @24in48 #hour 18+
I‘m so excited to start my “after sleep” section of the #24in48readathon on one of Clark‘s favorite childhood books. And away we go! #postmeditation
Larry Niven is such a talented author. Even through space/time/instellar/technologies he comes up with completely whole, believable characters that you care deeply about. Even some of the "bad guys" seem to have more back story. I loved it and was sad when I was done.
I love the characters and the way the author makes no bones about corruption and injustice. I do hope there are more of these books. Constance Kopp is my hero!
I've had this for years. Listening to it while I'm photoshopping
#oliverthecat is exciting at the prospect of me finishing this book today. It's so good, but it's due tonight!!!! #only350pagesleft
I LOVED this book, and it's on the cheap as a kindle book today!
My next book about forensics in mid 1600s Bavaria. Can't wait!
Moving on to this book. Kindle borrow from the library. So far? I like it.
I loved this book, sprinted through it. It's a procedural police murder mystery. Only things aren't exactly normal as a meteor hurtles towards earth. I'm totally reading the next 2.
I'm loving this book so much! Wish I had more time to read this week.
If I read for another 1/2 hour (which I will) I'll have 12 hours done in this July #24in48 I'm only up to page 300 in this book which is pretty thick, but I'm loving it.
@Clarkknowles finishing up Louise Erdrich's book. #24in48 Louie is helping.
#postmeditation image for today. Going to dive in for my 24 in 48 today!!! #24in48