I made it here!!!!
I made it here!!!!
OHMYGOODNESS!! There‘s so much!!!! I‘m getting so excited from just reading the labels!! Thank you so much, you absolutely did not have to send a second box! But thank you!!! BRB, I‘m gonna take a bite out of each and every one now.
Been in a bit of a reading rut so I picked up this local comic book to hopefully get me out of it.
My #foodimentarywatson box FINALLY got here! @CSeydel Thank you so much! Looking forward to reading the books! The one about boy singing seems super interesting. And I am also now obsessed with Takis! They‘re SOOOOO good!
The picture sucks but I was so excited to open that I just took a quick photo on the way back from the post office!! 😂😂😂😂
I kinda wanna bail? But I wanna give the book a chance still? It‘s a bit too....blah for me. Does it pick up? I‘m 1/3 into the book.
Not completely loving the book yet. A lot of the references are going over my head. 😞
The movie was so much better. 😢
The setting is so unique and the concept of the story is so different from all the other dystopian YA books!
A thing I have an issue with - specifically regarding the audiobook - is the narrator. Not the biggest fan. Especially when reading the dialogues of the male voices.
Nonetheless, the story is super cool and unique! Will definitely continue with the other books in the series. 😁
I finally caught up to the buddy read and even (slightly) overtook the assigned chapters!
It‘s a cute book!! Very realistic and not over-the-top. I feel like I know the characters (or versions of the characters) in real life.
My favorite parts are the younger kids‘ dialogues! Never fails to crack me up!
Fun quick read! Nothing life changing though!
The mission to catch up to the Buddy Read continues!
I am liking the book so far. I honestly feel like I‘m reading about my friends‘ lives. The characters are so believable and relatable. V. realistic.
PS- I have no clue what my mug‘s trying to say.
Finally getting to this! I‘m a few chapters in and I like it already! I can already tell I‘ll be breezing through this!
Made my own A Little Life shirt. Messed up a little bit but oh well!! 🤷🏻♀️
Intrigued! The subject matter is a bit delicate, dealing heavily with suicide and depression but the setting is very creative and intriguing.
It literally took me a month to finish this.
The story is beautiful and there are some parts where I was so into the story and the characters. The problem was those parts were few and far in between.
The book was too flowery and descriptive that I would lose my focus mid-sentence. With this book, I realised I much prefer a straight to the point writing style.
Nonetheless, I‘m excited to see the film. I have a feeling I‘ll love the movie.
ATTENTION: My little Dobby keychain is holding Harry‘s sock. Okay, you may now proceed with your lives.
Why am I not loving this? Am I reading it wrong? 73% into the book and it‘s still a solid so-so for me. 😩😩😩😩 Had such high hopes for this book.
Just a PSA, it picks up at 32%. (At least for me.) ❤️
PS - I totally hijacked this fake plant so that I could include it in the picture.
PPS - Asked the barista to put my drink in a for-here glass but she forgot. 😡
Got two new audiobooks to listen to while reading Call Me By Your Name. 😁❤️😍
Sloooooow progress with this one. 😴😴😴😴😴 I have half a mind of just deserting this book and just come back to it later on.
I‘m holding on in hopes that it will actually pick up as I hit the halfway point and that it will all be worth it.
Have you downloaded the new Harry Potter game from the Appstore? Ohmygod it‘s so adorable. 😭😭😭😭😭
1. ❤️ A Little Life
❤️ the Harry Potter series
❤️ All the Bright Places
❤️ Burnt Orange Sunrise
3. SHAMELESS US HANDS DOWN OBSESSED. And Black Mirror of course!
4. Tagging Littens who‘s first letters spell my real name. Lol
Thanks to @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego for tag!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Loving the new addition to my bedroom. ❤️
Right below is my reading spot! 😌
It‘s official, I can no longer read physical books!
I had the physical copy of this book and progress has been so slow because apparently, it takes a lot to read a physical book. With the ebook, I can literally read it anywhere. The toilet, the car, waiting in line, absolutely anywhere.
So, I‘ve gotten myself a copy of the book on my Kindle. Let‘s see how this goes.
I didn‘t want it to be bad. 😩
I‘ve read reviews that the beginning of the book was a bit slow and that it picks up somewhere in the middle and so far, I‘m finding that to be true. Also, I think I‘ve been spoiled by the simplicity of YA novels that I‘m having a hard time adjusting to the way this was written.
Nonetheless, onward ho!
Considering watching the movie before reading this, actually.
Literally finished the audiobook in the gym sauna.
I wasn‘t too into the book. Got it because John Green and it fell more into the same category as Paper Towns (which I was so-so about) rather that The Fault In Our Stars (which I loved). So it wasn‘t incredibly unexpected.
A lot of good lines and quotes but wasn‘t too into the book overall.
The book was great!‘
It depicted the characters in a more relatable light. The storyline was amazing. The only thing with this book is, for full immersion in the storyline, you‘ll need to look things up. What's kind of cute though is while I was browsing through YouTube for the movies mentioned in the book, the comments would show people who found the same video cause of Ready Player One. I felt like I was in my own version of the egg hunt! 😂😂
I‘m on the third and last part of the book!
Reviews I‘ve read have been polar opposites. Either they loved it or hated it or just bailed. Generally speaking, people who are into gaming enjoyed it and those who are not into their it couldn‘t relate to the references.
I am not a gamer. Not at all. And I couldn‘t relate to the 80‘s references either but I still enjoyed the book! Probably the dystopian aspect of the story appealed to me. 🤷🏻♀️
I really love this line.
Does anyone wanna do some sort of a swap?
Before I switched over to my Kindle, after reading a book, I‘ll usually pass it on to someone else. But due to the heaviness and trigger-y-ness of this book, I had no idea who to pass this on to. So does anyone want this book? We could work out a swap or something. But keep in mind, I probably live overseas from where majority of you live.
Let me know!
I‘m 9 chapters into the book and WTF did the movie even do?? It‘s so unlike the book!
I have been ploughing through my TBR stack! Just watched the movie and I liked it however, my brother said that this was the best book he has ever read and the movie did not do it justice. So let‘s see, I guess!
This is such an adorable book! It‘s very predictable in a very unpredictable way. Like the twists are very chick-flick-esque but it was applied in a very “wait,what?” kind of way. Good read though! Nothing life changing but I was reading this as a straight cis female. It might have a different effect on others. Nonetheless, it‘s completely adorable and everyone should read it! Can‘t wait until the movie comes out in my part of the world!
I literally could not put it down. The twists and turns were fantastic. I loved it! The depth of each and every character is insane. When you think you‘ve got everyone figured out, it takes you on a surprise drop that you had no idea was coming your way. It was completely great!
I cannot put this book down. I‘m being so unproductive at work and it‘s Backman‘s fault. (Not really. Haha.)
“We are what we can‘t not be.”
Huge fan of audiobooks while at the gym! Tried reading a book while on the treadmill and I almost went cross-eyed.
Choice of entertainment for the drive home from work. ❤️
I have never read anything that describes sweating as beautifully as this.
It's alright. Consuming through Audiobook might've had a big hand in this rating but the (audio)book didn't really have me glued to the Kindle. It's was alright. What I did like about it was the variety of the people A inhabited. It dealt - lightly - with body image, sexuality, gender roles, depression, etc etc. and that was nice. But over-all it was a solid so-so for me.
Back to regular programming after almost a week spent in Tokyo! Generally liking the book thus far.
It‘s pretty much like every other book in the series with some very slight details that sets it apart - slightly. It‘s alright. I love the art, and the whole layout and look of the book. Planning on finishing the whole series by June.
After an hour of just winding down from that last book, it‘s onto the next read!
The story is beautiful. Yes, it‘s a bit dark at some parts. Yes, it does get a bit difficult to read. But the story is undeniably beautiful. Each and every part flows so beautifully into one another that I didn‘t even realise how long it was. If you‘re triggered by graphic depictions of suicide, self-harm, violence & sexual abuse, then I‘d recommend to stay away from it. But if the aforementioned does not apply, then by all means, give it a shot!
Finally took advantage of the free trial that Audible has. 😂✌🏻 Cute (audio)book so far!
At the 75% mark and I still have noooo clue as to how this book will end.
Also! I found someone in my area selling his old Kindle Fire 7 so yay!
A Little Life in emojis.
I feel like I‘ve read about 5 books already and I only made it past the middle of the book.
Just felt like I had to document that somehow.
1. Cinder
2. I can‘t think of any ATM.
3. Seconds
4. Shiloh
5. Ugly Betty
6. Amy Tan
7. Amy Tan
8. Pseudonymous Bosch - Does this count? LOL
9. I‘m so tempted to Google.
10. Lemony Snicket
11. 😿
12. Full House Michelle
13. E.L. James
🌟 Will Grayson, Will Grayson