I had to take part in #booktober today because I'm in the habit of getting the #debutnovel of just about any author I read. Four of these haven't been read yet; the others are all favorites. My shelves contain many more!
I had to take part in #booktober today because I'm in the habit of getting the #debutnovel of just about any author I read. Four of these haven't been read yet; the others are all favorites. My shelves contain many more!
Time to open up this #firstedition; found at the annual SPCA book sale earlier this year. I'm hoping it doesn't leave me feeling unsatisfied like Red Dragon did.
As someone who has loved the film from a very young age, it was finally time to read the book. Although different from the movie in many ways, it was an excellent read. Kept me interested all the way through, especially in those last few chapters, and there was more to the plot than just a shark.
Surprised how many #textonlycovers I found on my shelves. Decided I should stop while I'm ahead, so I didn't even dig through the book drawer to see if there were more. #booktober
I absolutely loved this and it reminded me why I love Gillian Flynn's stories; it's dark and creepy, but there is a humor throughout. I also really liked the protagonist and would definitely like to read more with her.
I've been in a reading slump the last few months; starting books and then putting them down. I think I've finally snapped out of it with this one though!
Was just given this book to read. I know it has been quite popular, so I'm hoping to enjoy it. Young adult fiction is often hit or miss for me at this point - some transcend the label of "young adult," while the writing of others reads too young or too simplistic for my preferences.
The goods in today's mail. Not pictured: an adorable new book tote for those used book hauls!
Had to put a request in at my library just to get my hands on a copy of this one. Have you ever had a book you are so excited to read, yet there is a sense of dread in learning what is to happen to these characters you love so much?