"I do have friends. Maybe they live hundreds of miles away from me, and maybe I can only talk to them through a screen, but they're still my friends". Aaah, when a book protagonist just gets you ??
I read YA romance books to fulfill my need of shipping adorable couples. That's why I liked To all the boys I've loved before! But... I jumped into the sequel and didn't really liked it.
I don't like Peter. I can't ship the main couple because I don't think they're good for each other. Therefore this book is not doing its job! Also I have a feeling that Peter is with Lara Jean just because he had the chance. Am I the only one? (Also, I love John)
"I do have friends. Maybe they live hundreds of miles away from me, and maybe I can only talk to them through a screen, but they're still my friends". Aaah, when a book protagonist just gets you ??