I've been getting out of a severe reading slump by re-reading all my teen favs. Dad's star trek shelf was a fav!
Finally got all my books outbof storage, and MAN do i have a lot of anne mccaffrey!
#currentlyreading Ive been in a reading slump and havent finished anything in ages, but i think this one might get done! Loving it so far!
I have loved every line of this book.
Ive been picking through this book a few pages at a time for over a year and almost every line rings like a bell.
Diane Ackerman is the prettiest writer.
Very first thing I unpacked in my new apartment!
Have you guys been reading these Tor mini-novels?? They're all so good!
Forgot my book and now I'm sitting at the bus stop staring at my shoes..
Finish one, start another IMMEDIATELY.