I couldn't put it down. Enough said.
I couldn't put it down. Enough said.
1. A movie with a good friend, plus testing out the Kindle unlimited trial (99 cents for 3 months for new users? DEAL), plus something boring like cleaning.
2. Sunset for sure. Mornings are not my jam.
3. I have had a series of misadventures on the beach, so not really.
4. Brown hair, never dyed it. It's curly and unruly, too.
5. I have technically been on Litsy for a while, but I am only now getting back into it to use it more. Hey y'all!
Birthdays are great excuses to buy books. #extendedbirthday
The story of the girls who painted luminous radium onto watch dials in the early part of the 20th century is one we should all know. Their suffering and mistreatment was instrumental in creating many of the workplace protection rules we have today. This book will almost certainly make you angry on the girls' behalf, and it does contain some troubling info about just how radium poisoning affected these girls. I cried, I cursed, and I cheered.
This biography is kind of awesomely gossipy, and I'm only a few chapters in. Some things I had seen mentioned as rumors (some believable and others not so much) in other histories and biographies are presented as facts here. Part of me is skeptical, but the other part is intrigued by all of this because it's basically going to be soap-operatic after a while.
This is one of the Jane Austen books I had never read. So much good snark about reading in here, and a spirited defense of reading novels in an age when people (especially women) were looked down on for indulging in such things - I'm loving it so far.
Also, my friends are sending me home with more reading material, on loan until my next visit.
I've been bridesmaid-ing this weekend, and though I am exhausted, it was worth it to see a dear friend married. It hasn't been the best weekend for starting a book, but I'm excited to dive into this one a bit more this week. 😁
Starting today, if the cat will let me.... #firstpost #catsoflitsy
Also, hi! I'm new to Litsy but excited to be here!