It was cute but awfully repetitive in places and I wish the couple had a little more chemistry. And why do I feel like romance writers are always writing down the arguments they won in the shower? People don't talk like that!
It was cute but awfully repetitive in places and I wish the couple had a little more chemistry. And why do I feel like romance writers are always writing down the arguments they won in the shower? People don't talk like that!
Okay. At least, it was only 3 hours or I would have been bored.
There was no point to this book. There was no political intrigue either between the royals in America and other royal families or between the royals and their nobility. The closest we get is a couple of lines here and there about people's ancestors. You could have used celebrities and have the exact same story. And a boring story at that.
I am 40% through this book and it could really use less relationship drama and more political intrigue. 😩
Remarkably boring with a such an unnecessary twist at the end that it's actually ridiculous.
This was one of the most hilarious audiobooks I've ever listened to. I laughed so hard at my desk my boss asked me if I was okay. I absolutely adore all three main characters. What a lovely story!
This book made a valiant effort to make a statement about technology, youth, bullying, and insecurities. But it was a little too shallow and a little too boring. Also, this ending was far too cookie cutter and saccharine to actually be realistic; I'm not sure what high school the author went to but it wasn't in reality.
This book would have been absolutely horrible if hadn't been for the large amounts of sarcasm that I found absolutely hysterical and endearing. It reads like someone read Harry Potter and thought, "I'd like it this way instead." It's a good thing I enjoy fanfiction so much. Also, Baz is my actual favorite.
It was adorable, entertaining, and funny. I think the hype made it out to be a lot more than it actually was but despite that, it's still a good book. I liked it.
Loved it! I listened to the audiobook which felt just like listening to the podcast. I thought the live show readings were a nice touch.