I cracked this open on the train and all I heard was the theme music.
#reallyexcited #newbook #gameofthrones #fantasy #asongoficeandfireseries #georgerrmartin #stillreallyexcited #newlittens #haveimentionedmyexcitementyet
I cracked this open on the train and all I heard was the theme music.
#reallyexcited #newbook #gameofthrones #fantasy #asongoficeandfireseries #georgerrmartin #stillreallyexcited #newlittens #haveimentionedmyexcitementyet
Christmas projects and cheesy sci-fi tv shows with strong female leads on a day off. ☺️
#homebody #weekend #break #startrekenterprise #startrek #trekkie #knitting
Hi new friends!! I woke up this morning overwhelmed by your welcome🙈❤️
I‘m working on a project about how Canadian war propaganda taught children social responsibility. This book explores how Canada was sold to immigrants, to Canadians during the World Wars, and to tourists. Francis uses a bunch of posters and merchandise as evidence (pictures included). Highly recommend if the topic is of interest :) #nonfiction #canadianhistory #worldwarhistory
Hi! I‘m new! I‘m not someone to post about books much. I‘m actually a little embarrassed at how slow I read, but my roommate is very persuasive so here I am!
I read on the train during the day. I‘m currently halfway through this little book, and I‘m hoping to start a new buy soon! My hope is that by posting things I‘m reading, such as books and articles, I can find more excitement in my reading ventures :) #newbie #classic #williamgolding