I reallllly enjoyed this! Characters were great and the story just really unfolded nicely!
I reallllly enjoyed this! Characters were great and the story just really unfolded nicely!
This book was a fun read! I am looking forward to reading more about Elliot.
I ADOREEEEE....Robert Englund....this was such a fun read and he has had such an amazing life and career. Reading stories about his adventures immediately makes you want to watch or re-watch whichever movie he is talking about. Totally recommend this to his fans or movie buffs.
I didn't realize this was just a short story. It's funny, but I wanted more.
Overall this book is fantastic. Completely different than the movie. My only struggle was some of the descriptive parts went on forever and I got lost at what the author was originally talking about. Worth a read though!
These stories were so great! The last one was a little hard to get through...but the rest were really entertaining!
This is most likely my most favorite book I have read in my life so far. The story is so absolutely twisted and crazy...but you can't put the book down. It's an intense read! Totally suggest it to mystery and horror lovers!
This was a great read! A quick book but really good take on the Queen's story!
I've set out to read all the OZ books. This book I have is over 40 years old and had the first 2 oz books in it. ❤️
The Langdon books are so good. Twists and turns everywhere! Dan Brown is amazing at what he does and I love authors that write in a way that my brain creates the visuals as I read.
I really wanted to like this book. The others in the series were great, but this one felt all over the place. Love scenes were rushed and short. Too many characters to keep track of. The last chapter was ok, but it was a hard read.
The third book of the series and it is action packed! I know there is a 4th book in the works and I hope it eventually comes out.
Loved this 2nd book of the series...you develop bonds with the characters really quickly!
Book 1 of the series. You find yourself turning the pages faster and faster!