Dorothy was again the main character after stepping into the background for several books, and the group‘s adventures were more fun to read about this time. However, once again, the new characters were pretty annoying.
Dorothy was again the main character after stepping into the background for several books, and the group‘s adventures were more fun to read about this time. However, once again, the new characters were pretty annoying.
"No theif, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to aquire"
L. Frank Baum
I remember loving this one as a kid, and I still did even though the Deus Ex Dorothy is particularly egregious this time. Ugu the Shoemaker is a pretty solid villain, kidnapping Ozma and stealing all the magic implements of the Wizard and Glinda as well as a magic cookie pan that makes perfect cookies and can teleport you if you sit in it, until Dorothy straight-up turns him into a bird.
Also Toto talks for the first time in this one. #OzReread
Starting the next book in my Oz reread and I've been excited to get to this one. This was one of my favorites as a kid and I still have fond memories of reading it on a long road trip with Dad down to Greenville, South Carolina to visit family friends and watch a Cross Country race.
Plus, this one has the Woozy in it! One of my favorite Oz characters, he's the blocky guy with Toto riding on his back in the picture. #OzReread
I loved this one. I liked meeting the Big Lavender Bear, the little Pink Bear, Frogman, and Cayke the Cookie Cook. I loved where Ozma was hidden too. It should have been obvious to me but I missed it.
“No, but what everyone says must be true; otherwise, what would be the use of their saying it?”
Hard to believe that the Oz books were considered "unwholesome" (Florida State Librarian), "not literature, but, somehow, rather evil for children" (Chicago Public Library), and for having a strong female protagonist. #bannedbooks #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #day25