"Where thou art -that- is home." - Emily Dickinson
I'm not quite finished with this book, but I'm close enough to the end that I'm comfortable saying that I've enjoyed it quite a bit, as I have with her other retellings with a twist of Disney stories.
"I so desperately hate to end these movies that the first thing I do when I'm done is write another one. Then I don't feel sad about having to leave and everybody going away. That's why I tend to work with the same people; I really befriend them." - John Hughes
I'm so excited to dive into the Austen Project books! I stumbled onto three out of four in my favorite store and special ordered the last one. I've heard mixed reviews, but I'm willing to give pretty much anything Austen related a chance. Fingers crossed!
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
I've had the luck of meeting Anne Rice twice and have four of her novels signed. Of my signed books, Armand is my favorite. I highly recommend picking it up if you haven't already.