Gag me with a spoon, to be honest. Couldn't finish this one. So boring.
Gag me with a spoon, to be honest. Couldn't finish this one. So boring.
My mom doesn't read a lot so she gave this book to me when one of her students gifted it to her on Teacher's day (also her birthday).
This book had the strongest impact on me. Really helped shape my mind in my early adolescent years. I would suggest it to people of every age, though. It's never too late to have a beautiful mind.
Also, are any of you guys on instagram? You can follow me there and mention that you're from litsy. I'll follow back💚
Helped my best friend move into her new flat today. She'll be a busy woman for the next year or so and so will I. College is over and I think I'll take a lot of time to get used to working long hours behind a desk. This book, though. What a beautiful cover! Loved the movie. Looking forward to reading the book.
I'm listening to the audiobook. It's going great so far. Casey Neistat recommended it in his first 'bookclub' session on his vlogs. It's about the takedown of a drug mafia kind of person who created a website called The Silk road which used to be the Amazon of drugs a few years ago. You could buy anything from drugs to guns online and it would be delivered to you by regular postal service.
That's so sick. Genius. But sick.
What are you reading?
Currently reading my first thriller in years.
I was hungry and I had the book with me. Also, the color combination! 💕
Oh my, the covers are just awful. The story on the other hand is surprisingly addictive. Day four, book four. I'm enjoying myself thoroughly. It's complete YA trash. I love it!
What are you guys reading?
It doesn't beat the 1st one of the Bridgertons series to become my least favourite of the lot but it's close. I'll state my seasons. I didn't like Gareth Very much. The Jewels side story was not engaging at all and the ending had me pulling at my hair.
That being said, It is still an extremely enjoyable book. I loved the interactions between Hyacinth and Lady Danbury, I loved Gareth's legitimacy storyline and ofc, I loved Julia Quinn's writing.
Reaching for the heart in the sky.
Received this gem in the books n beyond book box for the month of April.
Have any of you guys read it?
I want to start Empire of Storms but I haven't yet gotten around to it. Which of the Throne of glass series is your favourite? Mine is Crown of Midnight. 💚
Favorite nonfic.
Oh goodness, it was terrible.
What happened, that is.
Not the book.
The book was absolutely horrifying, though. Finished it over a period of two months. It's just 176 pages and yet I couldn't bring myself to read more than 10 pages a time if I'm in a jolly good mood. I would put it down after 3, most times.
Props to Wiesel for keeping it real.
Not the most pleasant of books but very important, indeed. @Booksandcooks #5555giveaway
I watched the movie a long time ago and I look forward to reading the book next. I almost cried reading the first page just now.
So I tweeted Jay Kristoff my thoughts about Gemina and he replied! This is not a drill! 💕
Update : Amie Kaufman liked both of my tweets!!!!!
Night Triumphant—and the Stars Eternal.
If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear.
I see all of you, Rhys. And there is not one part that I do not love with everything that I am.
The Nephelle Philosophy indeed. The weakness that had transformed into a strength hadn‘t been my wings, my flying. But Tamlin.
What an amazing sequel to a unique series of books make up entirely of dossiers and memorandums.
Illuminae took us on an adventure with Kady and Ezra as they tried to escape a ship sent to Hunt the survivors down.
In Gemina, Hannah and Nik are at the station where Kady and Ezra are supposed to arrive in order to space jump to another part of the universe. But it seems like the enemy is already here and these four are up for a rude awakening.
124 pages into a 173 pages long book which is an autobiography of an Holocaust survivor and this is the first mention of Hitler.
I want to start reading this book already! I've had it for about a year and the second book is coming out later this month.
I still haven't gotten around to Lady Midnight because I haven't yet finished TMI. Last two books remain.
Gotta get on that.
Meanwhile, I just finished listening to the audiobook of 'To Sir Phillip, with love' by Julia Quinn and it was not excellent but not bad either. Also, on top of everything... it's finals month.
First post!
I'm excited for this.
The story picks up a few weeks after #acomaf & Fayre literally kicks ass. #Rhysand is wonderful as ever and Sarah J Maas manages to juggle various storylines and gives depth to many individual characters all the while introducing more!
She is the real queen.
She manages to make me fall more in love with Rhysand (I KNOW) & serves so many other alternatives like Tarquin, Azriel, Cassian, and Helion & on & on.