Great short stories. A couple were filmed as Twilight Zone episodes but most wouldn't have gotten past the censors. Weird and eerie.
Great short stories. A couple were filmed as Twilight Zone episodes but most wouldn't have gotten past the censors. Weird and eerie.
After the viral apocalypse, 99% of women are dead and more are dying during childbirth. The heroine tries to see to the reproductive health of the few women she comes in contact with while trying to stay alive in a world where she is a valuable commodity.
When a wealthy railroad magnate's family is taken hostage by Pancho Villa, he and his son try to free them while trying to survive the Mexican Revolution. Fantastic. Exciting. Engrossing.
Very interesting. Shows how easily a person could become radicalized even against their better judgment.
Read more like a news account than a novel but it is still a great story. Differs from the movie slightly. He never does strip naked and get into a horse. 😕
Really interesting insights on what sightseeing really means and how we, as citizens of the world, can do it better.
Finished this in one day. Read this spoiler-free if you can. Teddy Wayne is 3 for 3 with me. This one is a winner. #Loner #TeddyWayne
Beautifully written story about a resort town in India and the lives that intersect there over a two week holiday. I appreciated how the author did not exploit the violent scenes, she used them subtly and let the reader's imagination make them as harsh as each can stand. Deft touch. #sleepingonjupiter #anuradharoy #DSCPrize #awardwinner