Well, that's a sobering reality in a nonchalant tone. Less than 50 pages in and I can already tell I love this book.
Well, that's a sobering reality in a nonchalant tone. Less than 50 pages in and I can already tell I love this book.
Well, week 3 and I'm only 294 pages and 16% through. My excuse though is I got busy helping some finqueros in the Southern Mountains start their tourism business and I got to play with these beautiful puppies! (Pictures L to R: Doki and Osita)
One week gone. Currently 240 pages in, Chapter 11 of Book 1: 1805, part 2. Only 13% finished.....😳
And here we have Prince Andrei espousing my own views of marriage with an exactitude that makes me uncomfortable but also reminds me of how and why literature grabs hold of humanity and some works just never let us go.
I want to mark today as the day I decided reading War and Peace would be a good idea. Let's see how long it takes me to get through it.
This book has all the makings of good storytelling — plot, character arc, and pacing — and an amazing mystery to boot! The author can develop complex plot points without condescending to the reader. I'd recommend it to everyone!
Currently reading: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller from the comfort of my hammock while the rain comes pouring down just outside my patio.
In short that 99% of the head's thinking activity consists of trying to scare the everliving shit out of itself.
This book made me cry in all the right ways. I was very skeptical at first, but the writing style and tone soon hooked me. I would definitely recommend it to anyone for an in depth look at what it is to be human from a different perspective. Loved it!
Reading Sorcerer's Stone again, but this time in Spanish! Not to worry though, I've got my English version on the Kindle just in case I get lost. 😉