Reading some of Stephen King‘s earlier books. Nothing beats a good vampire story! Now
let‘s see if I can sleep tonight? ;)
Reading some of Stephen King‘s earlier books. Nothing beats a good vampire story! Now
let‘s see if I can sleep tonight? ;)
I struggled with this book. Skinmed the end.
Funny, heart warming book with lots of loveable characters.
Another wonderful Louise Penny book. Love Gamache ❤️.
Good historical fiction set in late 1890s maritime Canada. Lots of information about women's rights and home children. I felt that there were a few too many characters that kind of took away from the main story, but overall a good read.
Finally, the second book! Loved reconnecting with the characters and love Jasper Fforde's quirky, weird but delightful stories. Hope he writes a third book for this series.
Cute little Christmas family story. Fun.
This one dragged on and I found it repetitive. I did finish it to see who the murderer was, but it‘s only a so-so for me.
Entertaining. Read it in two days. Really made me hate that husband!
Beautiful story, so well written. I had never read anything about life at sea in the 1860s. Beth Browning is a wonderful Canadian author who managed to bring this time period to life. I will be reading her book “ The Sister‘s Tale” in the near future.
A bit of French reading for a change. This book is a follow up to another I read by Joel Dicker and it‘s just as good as the first. Some of the returning characters are there along with new ones. Great ending, was not expecting it. This writer is great at surprising readers right at the end.
I can appreciate how well written this book is. But I found it very depressing. This entire family (especially the husband) treated the mother poorly. Only once she goes missing do they reflect on all she did for them.
Got this one on my ereader for a quick read. A murder takes place during the Blitz in London during WWII. In all the confusion it‘s discovered that it wasn‘t the bombs that killed a woman, but that she was strangled.
Easy little mystery, first in a series. I enjoyed it. Needed something light to read at night. 3.5/5
Just finished book #3 of the series. This was the best sci-fi I have read in a long time. It was mind blowing good stuff and unlike anything I have ever read. I am really sad I am now done all the books. 5/5 for this series of books.
I struggled through the first bit but i am glad I persevered. I loved the growth and wisdom gained by Nancy Mitford throughout this novel. Life made her wiser and she found peace and contentment. I was also intrigued and somewhat disgusted by her Nazi supporting sisters and it‘s still hard to wrap my brain around how these women became so brainwashed.
Went swimming with my son and his friend. After an hour I was done and they wanted to stay. So I downloaded this book and read it over the next 3 hours while they had fun. It was entertaining and I really enjoyed that little slice of free time to just read in peace!
Book club pick. Some of the story was interesting but I find the end really dragged on and I skimmed some of the last chapters.
I am on the fence about this one. It was entertaining in parts but I guess I just didn‘t get into it as much as I had hoped.
Book 2. What can I say? This is one of the best, most unique sci-fi series I have read in a long time! Loved it, maybe even more than book 1. Can‘t wait to tackle the third one. Refuse to watch Netflix series until I am done the books. I can‘t imagine the series even coming close to being as good as the books and how I imagine it all in my head. 5/5
Getting some much needed heavy rain and I don‘t have to work until this afternoon. So I am taking an extra hour to read in bed. What a cozy treat!
This book had me looking up maps of the Middle East. It‘s a fictional story of a displaced Palestinian family from the points of view of multiple characters, over several generations. It‘s a good thing there was a family tree included in this book!
I am not much of a romance reader but someone gave me this book and I needed something lighter to read. I liked the beginning, then skimmed through the romance bits in the middle and was feeling “blah” by the end because all these types of books are really predictable. The so-so rating is more because i don‘t enjoy romance, but I am sure that those who do would give this a pick.
This one left me wondering “so what the heck happened next?” It ended pretty abruptly, but I guess that‘s part of its charm, the reader has to fill in the blanks.
My third book by Kristin Hannah. She sure knows how to write books that take you on an emotional roller coaster. My husband was a child refugee from Vietnam in the late 1970s. I don‘t think he could read this. That war destroyed so many lives :(
Book club pick. I really enjoyed this short novel. Claudia lies dying in hospital. She is plotting her last novel “a history of the world.” She meshes this with anecdotes from her personal life. Beautifully written.
Wife/mother disappears, did her lawyer husband kill her? Written from various points of view. The children all have different beliefs and reactions to this tragedy. Fairly good read. I give it 4/5
Our latest book club pick. I enjoyed it. Feminist, quirky and well written. The idea of this book kind of made me hesitant, but I am glad I read it; I ended up liking it.
Another wonderful addition to the Lane Winslow series. 😍
I was a bit disappointed with this book. Too many characters and I found it dragged on. I skimmed the ending. Not the cozy mystery I was expecting.
First book of 2024 and it was a good one. Loved the characters, the setting and I always enjoy how Stephen King manages to pull you into his worlds. The book lives up to its title and delivers a great fairy tale. Perfect for winter escape reading!
Wonderfully written story. One of my top three reads for this year.
Love anything Agatha Christie, even these new books are awesome.
I really enjoyed this book. Makes you realize how hard it was for young women in the fifties.
I have read several of his books. I like the way they are all tied together in this alternative near future. This book was no exception, he keeps you turning the pages.
Cute Christmas story. I am not a big romance reader, but I enjoyed the setting and Christmas coziness.
Today I had the pleasure of joining a South Korean book club that my Canadian-Korean friend invited me to attend. They zoomed at 5am to accommodate the time change for myself and my friend (we live in Alberta). I am so grateful to these Korean women who gave me a whole new perspective on this beautiful book.
Not a bad story but for some reason I found it kind of repetitive towards the middle and ended up skimming to the end. I think the main character kind of got on my nerves with her endless “poor me” attitude.
Book club read. It was ok. If you have read The Rosie Project and/or The Maid, it‘s a similar main character. But for some reason did not impress me as much.
Wow. I have not read any of his other books with this character in them. But, not necessary, this book was a two day marathon of reading for me. Impossible to put down. I have a weird relationship with Stephen King books. I don‘t like all of them, and I don‘t read him often but when I do….I become obsessed with his writing. This one is right up there with The Stand and Under the Dome (two of my favourites).
Great series. Book 3 had some serious twists that I did not see coming (no, I have not watched the tv series).
I chose this for my book club selection. Although it was a powerful story about gender roles and reflects on the basic idea that “power corrupts” it was not one of my favourites this year. Maybe a bit too violent for my taste. I will watch the show to see how they adapted this into TV.
That was an interesting book. Written from the viewpoint of an AI companion robot.
I had previously read “The One” by this author, and this book ties in nicely with that. I have to give this author credit, he keeps you turning those pages!
If you like weird aliens and humans with messed up personalities, murder and space stations….this is the book for you. Quirky.
Loved this book. It‘s not a new story (big meteor about to crash into earth), but it‘s so well written from several seemingly unrelated points of view. In the end it all comes together beautifully. 👍