Good historical fiction set in late 1890s maritime Canada. Lots of information about women's rights and home children. I felt that there were a few too many characters that kind of took away from the main story, but overall a good read.
Good historical fiction set in late 1890s maritime Canada. Lots of information about women's rights and home children. I felt that there were a few too many characters that kind of took away from the main story, but overall a good read.
A bit slower paced compared to most books I read - but I quite enjoyed this book. Any time the book was getting a bit too slow it seemed to pick up. The plot twist wasn't surprising to me but well written and still enjoyable. This book is full of strong women. It touches on many issues; pauper auctions, women's rights and the suffragette movement being the main ones. Three important issues that all should be educated on.
I've come down with a nasty cold so I'm going to start part III this evening in bed with a nice hot cup of tea. Even if I wasn't sick this is the best way to spend a Friday evening! Some relaxing down time after a hectic week at work. Also - why do so many books no longer have a table of contents? I love having a table of contents.
#BookAndTea #FridayEvening #BookInBed
It was a blustery day today which gives me all the reading feels! After some morning reading we took the kiddos skating and sledding (holiday that by some miracle my husband had off work) - and then it was time to start the tagged book. I'm a sucker for maps so this book started off well in my mind. Going to read a bit more now that the kiddos are asleep.
#BlusteryDay #HolidayReading #Canada #Map #MapsInBooks #ReadingTheAmericas2023
Stopped at the bookstore and a store to buy some Autumn candles after the little guys swim class today. I haven't heard too much on any of these books and I picked them up based on the back cover blurbs. Seems like they are three very different books. Autumn is not only my favourite season but also my favourite time of the year to read! I know we're still in August - but come on Autumn!!
#AutumnReading #Candles #Leaves #HoneycrispApple
A wee bit convoluted with many themes inside, but as always lovely writing by Powning.
My stack of books from the library to read. Took a moody picture when I picked them up because it was freezing cold, blustery and pouring rain outside yesterday!