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Joined January 2019

The Poet X | Elizabeth Acevedo
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The Poet X is one of my favorite books ever. It is a RF novel written in verse. This book is the first of Elizabeth Acevedo and it has already been on the NYT best sellers list as well as the 2018 National Book Award Finalist. In this story, X is a young girl in Harlem who discovers slam poetry as a way to use her voice. This book does touch on controversial topics, so it would be best for older students. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger One thing that I love about this book is that some of the poetry is written in Spanish. There are english translations right after, but to me, the Spanish poetry adds more realism to the text. I would use this as an IR in my classroom (older ages) and have students create their own poetry after. 5y
hkeiger The teachers guide that I found for this book is helpful because some of the topics in this book are loaded. This guide includes different discussion questions and writing prompts to help with the classroom integration! https://b0f646cfbd7462424f7a-f9758a43fb7c33cc8adda0fd36101899.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.co... (UDL 5.2, ESOL 25) (edited) 5y
alexandracarpenter This book sounds amazing and I like your idea of students writing their own poetry after! 5y
Haleysantucci Wow i‘ve never heard of this book! Can‘t believe it‘s on the New York bestseller‘s! I loved slayer poetry when I was growing up, I will definitely have to check this book out! Thanks for the awesome resource with writing prompts! Awesome post! 5y
DrSpalding This was a big winner this year! Nice post. 5y
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This Is How We Do It | Matt Lamothe
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Anyone who knows me knows that I am ALL about culture and diversity and integrating that in my classroom—& that is why I am so excited to share this book! In this NF PB, Matt Lamothe shares the lives of 7 different children from 7 different countries. This is not a traditional read, it is actually read like a comic book—box by box. I would definitely use this as a RA & make sure the students are able to see all of the pictures. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Matt Lamothe is actually primarily an illustrator—this is his one and only book that he has written which makes this book even more exciting to share! With this book, you can integrate so many social studies standards just by reading about each country! I would like to have my students do a compare/contrast on the different students lives and reflect on how it relates to their own experiences! 5y
hkeiger During my RA, I would probably have a video of the pages playing, so that students can see the pictures better! I could also see this being read as a choral reading, each student representing one of the characters! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qHFfauX-iwY (UDL 3.2, ESOL 28) (edited) 5y
Olsonashley19 Great post! Thanks for sharing. I am right there with you on being big on diversity and culture. I'm always looking for books that represent different cultures for my classroom library. 5y
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mluter I love this book! It‘s very important to teach diversity and culture in the classroom and this is a great way to do so! 5y
claireherman This book looks so cool!! I can‘t wait to read it and use it in my own classroom as well! You also included really great resources. 5y
DrSpalding What a beautiful book. I added this to my stack. I like the idea of choral reading. Be sure to explain how your universal design and English learner strategies align with your resource/teaching strategy. 5y
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Space Taxi: Archie Takes Flight | Wendy Mass, Michael Brawer
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After reading Pi in the Sky, I wanted to learn more about Wendy Mass and look more into her SF books! That brought me to the Space Taxi series, which is a short series that she wrote about a boy who discovers his father is not an ordinary taxi driver—he drives an intergalactic space taxi! In a series of 5 books, Wendy Mass and Michael Brewer give a silly and fun read into the space world. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger I would encourage this book as an IR. I would include this series in my classroom library & give students the choice to read this series! The writing & illustrations are really funny so I am sure once one student reads one of them, it will spread like wildfire & everyone will want to read them! 5y
hkeiger Wendy Mass has offered an educators guide for each of these books. There is a whole website specifically for this series that is extremely helpful when planning discussions and lessons for students. http://www.spacetaxibooks.com (UDL 5.3, ESOL 36) (edited) 5y
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Pi in the Sky | Wendy Mass
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Growing up, I always had a hard time reading SF books. This semester I challenged myself to read & understand the genre better. Pi in the Sky is SF—but it‘s also about mystery, time, & relationships. Joss, the 7th son of the Supreme Overlord of the Universe embarks on a journey to rebuild Earth to help save his friends. I was so pleased with this book & excited to find this NYT Best Selling Author Wendy Mass. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger I would love to use this book at a LC in my classroom. This book is a fun SF novel, & coming from somebody who struggled to understand the genre, I would like to give some of my struggling readers a SF option that I feel would interest all readers. Wendy Mass has included an educators guide FULL of different activities that you can do with this book. 5y
hkeiger From writing, to science, to even social studies, there are so many different ways you can go about integrating this book into your standards! http://media.hdp.hbgusa.com/titles/assets/reading_group_guide/9780316089166/EG_9... (UDL 8.2, ESOL 32) (edited) 5y
DrSpalding I love the resource you included that encourages cross curricular activities. So many of these books meet standards in other disciplines. Well done. 5y
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Chupacabra! | Adam Rubin
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This is definitely one of the most exciting children‘s book that I have come across thus far. Award winning author Adam Rubin adds a twist to a classic tale for children to enjoy! He noted, “It‘s easy to dismiss the unfamiliar, but compassion takes a little more effort” & that is exactly what he demonstrates in this TL PB. Each sentence is half english/spanish which gives a cool dynamic for ESOL & English speaking learners. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger I would like use this book in my class as a DR. The characters in the book all have so much spunk and I think students would have fun acting it out! It is a TL so some students might be familiar with it, making them more comfortable! Here is a RA of the book that students (and you) may enjoy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=78MFDqKCbAc (UDL 1.1, ESOL 17) 5y
DrSpalding Bilingual stories have a place in your classroom library! Dramatic reenactment sounds perfect for this book! 5y
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I have always loved reading biographies and learning about real people and their impact to society, and this book surely does not disappoint! Kadir Nelson, alongside author Carole B Weatherford pay a beautiful tribute to Harriet Tubman in this Caldecott winning PB. I would love to integrate this book through a social studies unit, or even as an independent AS. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger An AS for this specific book would be an obvious lesson, being that it is about the great Harriet Tubman! However, I would definitely like my students to go more extensive in their study about Harriet Tubman. This Teacher‘s Guide includes all different types of lessons for students & I really like the music lesson. 5y
hkeiger All of the lessons included are great, but the music is something I have never thought of doing. Researching different songs and spirituals that were popular during this time period will help students connect to that time period and relate. It would get students involved in a different way than just normal research. https://www.teachingbooks.net/media/pdf/DisneyHyperion/Moses.pdf (UDL 1.2, ESOL 17) 5y
DrSpalding Wouldn‘t this be a wonderful read aloud along with the readers theater that Audrey created! 5y
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Seedfolks | Paul Fleischman
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In my RED class, my professor read this book aloud. This was the first time that a teacher read a book to me in a long time, and I LOVED it. In this RF short novel, award winning Paul Fleischman tells a story about how a community garden brought together a neighborhood. Each chapter is told from a different characters POV which I found really interesting. I would use this as a LC in my class! #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Throughout the LC discussions, it would be helpful to provide strong questions to help guide the groups! KWL, anticipation guides, and self assessments are all helpful as well! Luckily, this link has a ton of examples pre-made for you: http://novelinks.org/pmwiki.php?n=Novels.Seedfolks (UDL 9.2, ESOL 50) 5y
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A Light in the Attic | Shel Silverstein
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This might or might not be one of my all time favorites! Recently, I found some old poetry that my mom wrote when she was a kid. Her poetry was all random, fun, & creative! After talking to her about it, I quickly related it back to my childhood—my mom always kept this book on the coffee table. Inspiration is important when it comes to children! This book is a great example of how kids can be inspired to read/write poetry! #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger In my class, I will be using this, along with the rest of Shel Silverstein‘s poetry, as a DR, CR, and even IR! I would love for students to be given the opportunity to read these poems aloud, but I would also like to let students read them independently. One activity that Shel Silverstein provided on his website would be to have children draw pictures relating to the poems! I LOVE this idea and I think all learners would benefit from this. 5y
DrSpalding Using the authors website is wise. There are so many valuable resources there. 5y
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Everybody knows the tale of how Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, but his life after the fall is a tale not too many people know! After Taylor presented this book in class, I just HAD to read it for myself. This fun twist on a classic TL tale would be a great addition to your classroom library, and would even be used as a great S! #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger I am all about cross-curricular learning, and any chance I get to use a children‘s PB to integrate another subject in my class is a winner in my eyes! I would use this book to emphasize certain science standards. I would have my students conduct different experiments to test how different variables affect the egg‘s fall! Having students design and conduct experiments would be so much fun for students while still integrating reading/science! 5y
hkeiger More classroom activities are included at: http://www.theclassroombookshelf.com/2017/10/after-the-fall-how-humpty-dumpty-go... (ESOL 17, 39, 41, 44, UDL 4.1, 5.3) 5y
Edenmonet I‘ve read this book before and it is so cute! I really liked your lesson plan and how it has opportunity to integrate this book into different subjects. I really liked the science one about testing to see what conditions can break and egg, students would love that! 5y
DrSpalding You have selected high-quality books Haley! You have utilized a variety of resources. Again loving the cross curricular learning that you too are passionate about. 5y
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The Dot | Peter Reynolds
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As I was flipping through the children‘s book section in Barnes & Noble, this giant orange dot couldn‘t help but catch my attention. Simple yet extraordinary, the dot represents that there is art in everything! In this RF PB, a student who is struggling creatively gets inspired when the teacher has her sign the dot she drew. I would love to use this as a RA to inspire my kids, as well . #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger On Peter Reynold‘s website, he has a whole list of fun classroom activities that can be used alongside the book! September 15th is national dot day so I would love to do some of these creative activities with my students to allow them to express their creativity! (ESOL 46, UDL 3.3) http://www.peterhreynolds.com/dot/ 5y
SofiaRoselli This seems like a such a fascinating book! I‘ve never heard of this before but after your post I definitely want to read it! 5y
Haleysantucci I love that this book discusses art! It‘s important for us as teachers to teach children that there is art in everything! I agree, the cover does catch your attention! 5y
DrSpalding There is such wonderful arts integration that cannot be accomplished with this particular book. You should participate in the national event each year! Crayola has the dot markers that would work beautifully in your classroom. 5y
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As a huge fan of Jamie Lee Curtis, I was so excited to read this book...and she did NOT disappoint! In this relatable P picture book, Curtis tells a hilarious tale of a mother who can not stop taking selfies! Just as impressive as the writing, Laura Cornell does not disappoint with her extremely elaborate illustrations. The illustrations are definitely deserving of being seen, so this book would be great as a RA for your class! #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Me, Myselfie & I would be a really fun way to integrate poetry and technology into your class. There are not many pre-existing lesson plans, but you can definitely use this as a RA and then have students create their own short poems about themselves and include a selfie! I think children would love to participate in an activity like this (UDL 2.5, ESOL 4) 5y
giont I love Jamie Lee Curtis! It‘s awesome how this book includes poetry and technology. I‘ll have to read it. Great choice :) 5y
Ms.Bursey I thought this book so super cute 😩. I love Jamie Lee Curtis❤️ 5y
DrSpalding This must be a new one ...I am adding this to my stack. 5y
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Why Mosquitos Buzz in People‘s Ears is a great example of how TL can be integrated into the classroom to promote a fun and exciting learning experience for young readers. In this Caldecott award winning picture book, author Werdna Aardema and illustrators Leo and Diane Dillon tell a traditional African Tale about the myth behind the masquito‘s buzz. This would be a great S to share with your class. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Throughout the tale, each animal makes an inference to why that the mosquito is saying in it‘s ear. This could be a great way to have students make inferences and draw conclusions. This lesson plan, provided by Teacher Vision has students utilize their writing techniques by drawing inferences from the book. https://www.teachervision.com/making-inferences-why-mosquitoes-buzz-peoples-ears (UDL 3.2, ESOL 30) 5y
DrSpalding This makes a wonderful storytelling! Teacher vision has some helpful resources. Use them. 5y
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Ella Enchanted | Gail Carson Levine
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This 1997 Newberry Award Honor F novel is a must-have in every classroom library! As a child, this was the first chapter book that I picked up and could NOT put down! The reason I love this book so much is because author Gail Carson Levine takes the traditional story “Cinderella” and adds a number of mythical creatures including fairies, ogres, and giants to add a fun twist to a story that we all know so well. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Because this book is a spin on a classic tale, many students will be able to understand and make connections to the text. This would be great as a SR to spark conversation amongst young readers. Scholastic provides challenging discussion questions to guide student conversations. https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/ella-enchanted... (UDL 3.1, ESOL 4) (edited) 5y
cwright I LOVE this book!! I agree and think it would be awesome as a SR. I‘m envisioning it as a SR/LC hybrid where it‘s people who chose to read it but are having those types of discussions (in your LP) together as a group and learning from each other. Awesome book and resource! Thank you for posting 5y
kkimmelman This is a book that everyone should know. I think students could connect well and really enjoy reading this book. Your resource is excellent as well. 5y
DrSpalding So many of you read this particular title when you were children. Shared reading could be an excellent strategy to spark conversation as you said! Scholastic is of course a high-quality resource. 5y
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Finding Langston | Lesa Cline-Ransome
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Interested in Finding Langston? Get ready to step into the shoes of a young African American boy living in Chicago post WWII! In this Coretta Scott Kjng award winning HF novel, Lesa Cline-Ransome takes readers back to the 60‘s as a young boy named Langston. Uplifting and empowering, this novel shows how one boy‘s love reading and poetry helped him overcome his day-to-day struggles. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Though there are many different activities and assignments that would go GREAT with this book, I would definitely use Finding Langston as an LC in my classroom. It would be beneficial to include this in an LC to promote positive thinking and collaboration between students about a tough subject. https://www.varsitytutors.com/englishteacher/hughes (UDL 5.3, ESOL 10) 5y
Mmw2478 I have never heard of this book but love the theme of it. Adding this to my list. 5y
cwright This book looks amazing, adding to my TBR list immediately. I love Langston Hughes — what a wonderful way to bring him into the classroom! Loved the resource too 5y
DrSpalding You read 11 award winners. You inspired some of your peers to read this book as well. Nice post. 5y
DrSpalding Minor error....King 5y
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Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes is a fun P picture book about the similarities and differences between all children. Written by Mem Fox and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, this would be a great P book to use as a S in your class! #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Though there are not exact lesson plans included, Mem Fox does offer a read aloud on her website which would be a fun way to integrate this book into your classroom. https://memfox.com/books/ten-little-fingers-and-ten-little-toes/ (UDL 1.2, ESOL 17). 5y
gnewman @hkeiger you were so passionate about Mem Fox the other day! I loved how you described the book and am definitely going to read it for myself!! Thanks for sharing! 5y
kkimmelman I remember hearing you read part of this in class! It was such a cute book that kids would love. The read aloud link could work well in a classroom! 5y
DrSpalding This is a poem that you can sing! She is a wonderful author, as you know. 5y
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Wishtree | Katherine Applegate
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Wishtree is a Newbery Award winning F novel is a wonderful story about a neighborhood tree and the community around it. It holds an important message, suitable for all ages, and would be a great addition to your classroom library. Using this book as an LC in your class would be a great strategy to create meaningful discussions amongst students and monitor reading comprehension. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Katherine Applegate, the author of Wishtree, offers multiple resources and classroom activities to engage students. By allowing students to visualize and create their own Wishtree in their class, you can encourage students to relate and connect to the text in a more personal level. (UDL 5.2, EL 2) http://www.wishtreebook.com/static/pdf/wishtree-activity-kit-final.pdf 6y
DrSpalding Very well done! I love the image! Real tree! 6y
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Rescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship | Patrick Downes, Jessica Kensky
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Based on a true story, this book is a heartwarming B about a Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jessica Kensky and her rescue service-dog. Written by survivor Jeasixa Kensky and her husband Patrick Downes, this book beautifully depicts the journey they went through after the marathon and the journey of a rescue dog. This book would be great if used as an AS for students, and a good opportunity for students to learn about the bombing. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger This 2019 Schneider Family Book award winner is a great example of triumph and the power to overcome physical and mental disabilities! It uses beautiful illustrations on each page to represent each page in the story. This teachers guide provides numerous discussion questions, writing prompts, and community engagement projects to get all children engaged in the reading. http://www.candlewick.com/book_files/0763696048.btg.1.pdf (UDL 4.1, EL 50) (edited) 6y
cwright Sounds like a book that would make me cry a lot 😅 but I‘d love to read it!! 6y
cwright And I think it‘s a very important story to share with a class. The discussion questions are great! 6y
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DrSpalding I must read this book! As soon as I saw that it won it immediately went on my to be purchased list. Glad to know you enjoyed this. Excellent choice considering it is a 2019 award winner! 6y
DrSpalding Is it in the CMC? 6y
DrSpalding You inspired me to buy this book. It was worth it! This is an example of a wonderful award winner that should be shared with children. 5y
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Whoever You Are | Mem Fox, Leslie Staub
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In this RF picture book, Mem Fox takes readers on a cultural journey around the globe using stirring words and vivid illustrations. This book would be a great RA for any classroom because it celebrates diversity by showing students the similarities and differences among everybody around the world. The illustrator, Leslie Staub, uses bold colors and paintings to help students relate to the different cultures around the world. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger This book would be a great addition to your classroom library because it teaches acceptance and diversity in a way in which all students can understand and relate to. Mem Fox uses repetition and vivid pictures to make the words easy and relatable to all learners. There are many ways you can use this book to create an integrated classroom. https://www.rif.org/literacy-central/material/whoever-you-are-guide-educators (UDL 3.3, EL 11) (edited) 6y
DrSpalding Reading is fundamental is an excellent resource. This book would not be considered non-fiction… The children and adults in the story are not real but could be. What genre is it? 6y
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Balloons over Broadway (Caldecott Honor Winner) is a NF picture book about the puppeteer of the Macy‘s Thanksgiving Day parade. Written and illustrated by Melissa Sweet, the beautiful illustrations create a fun and engaging story for students to learn about art and history. This would be a great addition to your classroom library, as well as a wonderful LC for your students to engage in. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger Using the rich vocabulary and detailed illustrations in this book, you can create a number of lesson plans catering to all students. Whether you have your students create a word map or have students create their own floats, there are a number of ways to reach any type of learner. (UDL 2.1, ESOL 30) https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:balloons%20over%20broadway (edited) 6y
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Ben's Trumpet | Rachel Isadora
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Ben‘s Trumpet is a captivating HF tale about the culture and impact of jazz music in the twenties. Written and illustrated by Rachel Isadora, this Caldecott Silver Medal Award winning book uses captivating images to tell the unique story of youthful passion and talent taking place in the roaring twenties. This picture book would be a great RA for your class to create a history lesson and incorporate music into your classroom. #LAE3414sp19

hkeiger You can turn this RA into an engaging lesson plan for ALL learners by activating background knowledge and allowing students to make their own music! (UDL 5.2, ESOL 17) https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/bens-trumpet-t... (edited) 6y
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