I'm not saying I read the whole book in one day, but...
I'm dying.
Allie Brosh is my hero. I'm so sorry about everything that you've gone through, but thank you sincerely for sharing it with us.
I'm not saying I read the whole book in one day, but...
I'm dying.
Allie Brosh is my hero. I'm so sorry about everything that you've gone through, but thank you sincerely for sharing it with us.
Code Girls is incredibly interesting, I just couldn't commit to it. Hopefully I will in the future!
A bit late with this review, but I very much enjoyed this book. Highly recommend the series. Start reading now so you can be caught up for the next book's release!
Thank you so much @Sills for such a thoughtful and wonderful package for the #funinthesunsummergiveaway! I can't wait to spend some time on the beach reading these mysteries and cracking a few cold ones with my new bottle opener. Thanks again. I'm so happy I participated! @BookaholicNatty thanks for setting it all up!
Almost done! I'm a little worried this is gonna become an all nighter.
Here's my favorite girl, Jynx, as an entry for #coffeecatsbooksgiveaway! Congrats on hitting 15,000 @CoffeeCatsBooks!
I see a lot of holes in the premise of people coming back to life after being murdered, but overall it was an interesting short story.
It just keeps getting better! Have you guys read the Red Rising series? Do you think it would make a great movie or mini series? I do!
I have to constantly look away from this book like I'm watching something cringe worthy through my fingers on TV. Pierce Brown is such a great world builder and I love the language he uses. Such a good series.
I need a name for this guy. He's spunky and has a lot of energy. Fearless of my dog and car rides, so I'm hoping we have ourselves a future adventure cat. Can you guys help? I was thinking Bingly but it's too tame. Then I thought Puck but it doesn't work said aloud. I'm toying with Gaston now...
Words can't explain how excited I am for this book. I've been waiting for years to read Numair's story. He was one of my first book crushes and Tamora Pierce was an inspiration to me growing up. I need to finish all my other books so I can devour this one.
Just started this one. Very interesting book about a group I didn't know much about. I wish there were more interviews with the women, but maybe that's coming later. So far, worth the read! #breakingbarriers #womenshistory #wwii