Here's my second July read! Have you read it? 😊
#endgameskykey #jamesfrey #nilsjohnsonshelton
Here's my second July read! Have you read it? 😊
#endgameskykey #jamesfrey #nilsjohnsonshelton
I finished reading it on July 5th! I enjoyed it, but why there is so much attention towards the love relationships? Honestly, the last chapters saved this book. I would have given 3.5/5 stars, but I gave 4 thanks to those last chapters.
I read outside today! It was a lovely afternoon. Let's hope tomorrow is a sunny day so that I can read outside again 😄
These are the books I read in June! I only loved Clockwork Angel, but I gave 4 stars to Eça de Queirós's book. I simply DNFed the white novel, also Portuguese, because I really didn't like the writing style. Was June a good month for you? 😄
#wrapup #oprimobasílio #eçadequeirós #valeabraão #agustinabessaluís #clockworkangel #theinfernaldevices #cassandraclare
I started reading City of Fallen Angels yesterday! 😊
Have you read it? Did you like it?
#cityoffallenangels #themortalinstruments #cassandraclare
It's 2.37 AM here and I could finish reading this right now, but I don't want to because there is so much going on and I prefer to read the final chapters with clear mind. Still, I'M IN PAIN because... WHY DOES WILL KEEP SAYING HE HAS LOST EVERYTHING? OMG! THIS IS SO PAINFUL!
#clockworkangel #theinfernaldevices #cassandraclare
Happy Birthday, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 💖💖💖💖
After all the struggles she faced, she still managed to write such a beautiful story full of wonderful lessons. Thank you for everything, J. K. Rowling! Thank you, the Boy Who Lived! 💟💟💟
#harrypotter20 #harrypotterandthephilosophersstone #jkrowling
That moment when you just want to read, but your family simply wants to enjoy summer 😂
It's 11.11 pm here right now. Now I have some peace, so let's read! What are you currently reading? 😊
#clockworkangel #theinfernaldevices #cassandraclare
Yayyy! I'm finally reading Clockwork Angel, by Cassandra Clare 😄
I am going to read this series this summer! I can't wait to find out why so many people love it! Which book is your favorite one?
My first Litsy post! 🎉
So, this is my June TBR! I want to read the last TMI books, but I read somewhere that I have to read The Infernal Devices trilogy before City of Heavenly Fire because of spoilers. Is it true?