Your now is not your forever.
And we are quotation marks, inverted and upside down, clinging to one another at the end of this life sentence. Trapped by lives we did not choose.
-Tahereh Mafi
Once upon a time there was a hazel-eyed boy with dimples. I called him Khalil. The world called him a thug.
He lived, but not nearly long enough, and for the rest of my life I‘ll remember how he died.
Fairy tale? No. But I‘m not giving up on a better ending.
-THUG aka one of the most important books
"The Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the ways we expect".
-Luna lovegood
•"You deserve so much more than charity," he said, his chest heaving. "You deserve to live, You deserve to be alive."
"It's not charity," I snap."He cares about me--and I care about him!"
Warner nods, unimpressed. "You should get a dog, love. I hear they share much the same qualities."•
Please do yourself a favour and read this series, thank you.
"I‘m broken. I‘m literally broken.”
Iko settled a hand on Cinder‘s shoulder. “Yeah, but broken isn‘t the same as unfixable.”
"And if we're both looking up at the same sky, how far apart can we really be? What were the odds of us being put on the same slab of rock in this huge universe?"
Geekerella was a fun and quick read.
I actually couldn't put it down.
Since it is a Cinderella retelling it was pretty predictable but I enjoyed it anyway.
It was so beautifully written and the characters were the cutest.
I rly recommend it to all the geeks out there.?
"Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams"
Hello everyone??
How are you? Have you read this wonderful book? If not DO IT PLSSSS
It's so good and I am looking forward for the movie??
Btw do you have any book recommendations?
If so feel free to tell me in the comments?
It's about the important things, like the way their face lights up when they laugh, or the way they move as the're walking towards you, or the way their freckles create a map of the stars.
•He had wondered why she liked books so much, and if it had anything to do with why he liked spaceships. Because they could take you somewhere far, far away from here•
More tlc posts bc i am trash for these series:)
For the boy who lived.
Thank you for inspiring me to be the girl who survived. You may have a lightning bolt to show for it but my body is a lightning storm.
-Amanda Lovelace
Happy 20 years of hp👐👐👐
"Maybe there are people who love someone so much that when they lose them, they never want to be with anyone else again. But maybe there are people who love someone so much that it makes them want to find that kind of love again."
Hello people?
This adventure ends is so cute I really enjoyed it!
I would definitely recommend it??
So in case you haven't notice from my username..I love The Lunar Chronicles.
And when i say "love" I mean that I could kill for these books and probably sell my sister for a sequell.
Yeah I'm that kind of fan.
I am a crazy lunartic and maybe i love meyer more than I should?? Idk
What I know is that these books took over my life and guess who is okay with that??
Anyway in case you haven't read them DO IT pls and thanks.
Love y'all xx
repeat after me:
you owe
no one
- except maybe yourself.
"We call these decadal harvests Bone Seasons. This is Bone Season XX"
Last night I finished this amazing book by samantha shannon; The bone season.
I loved it, I loved the plot and the characters and oh it has a bunch of qoutes.
I really enjoyed it and I am looking forward to read the sequels. I cant wait to see what happens next ugh.
#SamanthaShannon #Theboneseason #qoute #blue
“On the darkest days you have to search for a spot of brightness, on the coldest days you have to seek out a spot of warmth; on the bleakest days you have to keep your eyes onward and upward and on the saddest days you have to leave them open to let them cry. To then let them dry. To give them a chance to wash out the pain in order to see fresh and clear once again.”
~Unravel me, tahereh mafi
I love this qoute ugh💫
"Hope is a powerful thing. Some say it‘s a different breed of magic altogether. Elusive, difficult to hold on to. But not much is needed."
Caraval is for sure an amazing book.
I really enjoyed reading it. It was a quick read and I actually read most of it in one sitting which made me get completely lost in the isle of Trisda.
Tbh the end had me in shock and I am the one to blame.
I forgot the only thing I had to remember; that it is only a game.
"The books...they helped keep me from losing my mind altogether."
~tahereh mafi
Hello people?
So apparently I don't know what i am doing here but i like it. This is my first post and i don't really know if this is going to work but i hope so since i like the idea of this app.
I am tagging 'The bone season' since i have to tag a book and this is my current read.
#books #quote #theboneseason #SamanthaShannon #firstpost #blue