I think there is no Shakespeare character that I have read that I dislike as much as Helena--whiny, discontent, and jealous. I find myself wanting to smack her.
I think there is no Shakespeare character that I have read that I dislike as much as Helena--whiny, discontent, and jealous. I find myself wanting to smack her.
Excited to read another Jules Verne book--I've finished 13 of them now, but so many more to go! 🤓
In this prophetic (like much of Verne's writing) passage from 1877, Verne discusses the eventual consumption and disappearance of Earth's stores of coal.
Le tonnerre emplit l'âme, et c'est plutôt un son qu'un bruit, un son qui s'enfle et décroît comme la note tenue d'un chanteur. Et, pour tout dire, Miss Herbey, jamais la voix d'un artiste ne m'a ému comme cette grande et incomparable voix de la nature. --André Letourneur, passenger on Le Chancellor
I usually have two books underway at the same time, one in French, one in English. That is the case now, as I am reading Le Chancellor and Jane Eyre. Loving them both.
Hard to believe I've never read anything by the Bronte sisters, but I'm rectifying that this summer. First up, Jane Eyre.
Reading the first of the 12 French-language Jules Verne books I just received, and I'm loving this one. I'm also crazy about these beautiful Livre de Poche editions!