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Joined November 2016

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Hannah Coulter: A Novel by Wendell Berry
A Bridge Across the Ocean | Susan Meissner
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Finished A Bridge Across the Ocean yesterday. It was a great, summer read centering around the ship The Queen Mary. I always wanted to pick it up and find out what happened next, and it had a some surprising insight and wisdom that I wasn't expecting. On the right are my some contenders for what to read next.

christineandbooks The Lake House is great! 7y
christineandbooks Glad you enjoyed Bridge Across the Ocean ☺ 7y
Cals90 @christineandbooks I was pleasantly surprised by it!! 7y
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We've been reading this out loud since December. Getting close to the end!

The Princess and the Goblin | George MacDonald
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I'm reading the Princess and the Goblin on serial reader. Not sure what I think about it yet, but I just loved this quote! I *think* we are all hoping to be understood, but sometimes in order for others to be willing to understand us, we must be willing to understand them first. Came at a great time for me.

Hannah Coulter: A Novel | Wendell Berry
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Finally the right time to start my first Wendell Berry today. I'm chapter 2 and I'm already really loving it. It feels immersive and so thoughtful.

Kirby loved this book - a favorite! enjoy. 7y
Cals90 @Kirby So glad to hear that!! And yes, I am enjoying it. Have you read any other Wendell Berry? 7y
Kirby just seeing this @Cals90 ! I'm in the middle of Fidelity (short stories) & have read his poetry, but no other novels. Jayber Crow is in the TBR pile! :) but you know how that goes... 7y
kiminreverse I adored this one! I've been meaning to pick up something else by him. 7y
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Little Blue Truck | Alice Schertle, Jill McElmurry
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Baby loves rifling through my TBR so we put some of her books in there too!

Little Bee | Chris Cleave
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Love this cover.

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Wondering why I'm still #2 in hold line for this after a couple months... just checked and this explains why😭. I wonder how long libraries wait to get a book back before they replace it (if they do!).

CocoReads Frustrating! 7y
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February reads. Need to start fitting in some nonfiction in there! I'm pretty bad at finishing nonfiction books🙊. I have a few I'm wanting to read.. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Alexander Hamilton by Rob Chernow (I'm waiting until I finish The Count of Monte Cristo as they are both BIG!), Honey for a Child's Heart and more.

Kirby we have such similar taste in books! i'm on the fence about reading 'This is how it always is' - did you love it?? 7y
Cals90 @Kirby I always like seeing what you are reading! When I see your feed I'm usually thinking "Oh i read that and love it" or "I want to read that too!" As for me and This is How it Always is, I enjoyed it.. it was quirky and the characters were likeable, but after reading it, I feel like I didn't *love* it like others seemed to. 7y
Kirby so good t'know - thank you! i may skip it, @ least for now. the tbr pile would indicate i've got no business buying or checking out anything right now (which doesn't always stop me!). I started 'Name of the Wind' years ago but did g finish (can't remember why?!) but it sounds like you love it, which may mean i would, as well! 😄 7y
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Kirby oh, & similar nonfiction goals as well - i'm also SO bad about finishing (takes me forever!). 7y
Cals90 @Kirby Part 1/2 My husband loves Name of the Wind and it took me a while to get into it. It is his favorite book, so I'm not sure if I like it because he does and it is something we can share or if I would have liked it anyways. So in that light I am not sure I can *whole heartedly* recommend it to you, but I enjoyed the first one on audio (though it is long). 7y
Cals90 Part 2/2 The 2nd book of the series got a little weird in parts, but if you like the story, then it's worth reading. 7y
Cals90 @Kirby Yes! I'm learning how to manage that TBR pile bc thanks to MMD it will never be completed so it's hard trying to figure out which books are worth it for you! 7y
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The Nightingale | Kristin Hannah
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So many have loved this book, so even though I've even reading so many books set in WW2 lately (All the Light, Everyone Brave is Forgiven, The Paris Architect, etc) I had to read this next! Switching bn audio and ebook. WW2 is such a fascinating and sad period of history. One of my favorite nonfiction in this period is Unbroken.

Rayray33 Unbroken is one of my all-time favorites. 7y
Cals90 @Rayray33 It's such an amazing story! 7y
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This Is How It Always Is | Laurie Frankel
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Holding a sick, sleeping baby and reading this months MMD book club pick. Only 24 pages in but the couple in the book is totally adorable.

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So many of you have been reading this.. and with good reason. Hilarious!

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Ahh Louise Penny.. it's been a while. After taking a few months break, I had forgotten why I loved these books. I remember now.. 😊 Although this one is starting out a little more sad than the others.

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Sam is one of my favorite characters and is one reason I have actually made it through most of these books!

A Moveable Feast | Ernest Hemingway
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I've never read this book but saw a sign in someone's kitchen and was inspired to make my own! (On the computer)

KCorter I love it! I may have to steal this idea as well. :) 7y
Cals90 @KCorter Do it! :) I "stole" the idea from someone else. But I guess originally the words belong to Ernest Hemingway.... My husband said I should give him credit so I redid it with his name;). 7y
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Love Eowyn! She is a strong female character, but still has a tender heart. This is after the death of another character.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Started this yesterday. I wanted to start this or The Charms of Arthur Pepper but I wanted to start an audiobook. Great narration so far! Big spoiler... I just found out the name of "the lanky one" is Patrick?.

grandma_loves_books I loved this on audio! 7y
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Mine and husband's library book haul. In the middle of News of the World so I'm thinking I'll read Tribe next. SO many books, I'm excited for 2017!

LauraBeth Nice haul 7y
Suelizbeth I read Tribe and am in the middle of News of the World. I think Tribe informs some of the concepts in News of the World, so I'm glad I followed a recommendation to read them in that order. 7y
Cals90 @Suelizbeth Good to know! I had News of the World first so started it first (before hearing that recommendation) but I am only 13% in. I am curious to how Tribe connects to it! Do you think reading Tribe first "gave away" anything about News of the World or just nicely complemented it? I have this weird idea that reading Tribe first will tell me too much about the plot! I love being surprised:). (edited) 7y
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Suelizbeth @Cals90 Reading Tribe gives nothing away about the plot in News of the World. They have concepts in common, but that is all. 7y
Cals90 @Suelizbeth 👍🏼Thanks! I think I'll start Tribe based on your recommendation. 7y
SusaninTX Just picked up Tribe from the library today! So excited to get to new reading tomorrow. 😊 7y
Cals90 @SusaninTX ME TOO! All the new reading is so fun. 7y
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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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We all start somewhere!!😄 #readinglife #teachersarepriceless

The Two Towers | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Tea and books👌🏼👌🏼 (or books and coffee) Enjoying my kindle Christmas gift from my husband!

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Holy moly I forgot how good this book is! The audiobook is the best I've ever heard, though it is a LONG one. Ready for the third one to come out!

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I love the movies and have tried to make it through the book series for years. I've reread the fellowship and half of the two towers twice. I usually make it to some fighting scene in the two towers and just never pick it up again. Then I've forgotten what happened and reread in a later attempt. I this time I've finally hit my stride and gotten over the hump! 62% in and just loving all the little details you don't get in the movies.

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Read the first chapter tonight. Interesting premise!

Kirby looking forward to doing the same! :) 7y
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Quidditch Through the Ages | Kennilworthy Whisp
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A Christmas gift from the hubby. Sorry currently reading and TBR pile.. this one cut in line for today. #sorryimnotsorry

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So good! It feel like it needs a sequel so I'm glad to hear there is The Duchess of Bloomsbury! Has anyone read that one? Is it worth looking into?

christineandbooks That's a really cute cover...And I haven't read it but I have heard really good things about Duchess... 7y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Just started this and I see what everyone is talking about. So quirky and DElightful!

Alice in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll
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Found this scarf at goodwill... I don't care how it looks I'm wearing it! 😉

CocoReads My girls have pride and prejudice and the raven scarves. My sister got them for them for Christmas last year 7y
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Just started reading this aloud with my husband. Seems like a fun read!

Rayray33 Love this book! 7y
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Looking forward to reading something on the lighter side tonight. Both in content and in length! I feel like I've been reading sad or deep books lately. In time for the holidays:).

christineandbooks Slowly making my way through this too and enjoying it so far... 7y
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The Happiness Project | Gretchen Rubin
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This is so true for me.

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First time to read this Christmas tale.

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Still trying to finish this one! I'm liking it but I don't have much time to read paper books except before bed. About 2/3 of the way in. Thankfully no one else needs this at the library, but I'm on my last renewal:).

Salt to the Sea | Ruta Sepetys
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Finally receiving books on hold from the library or overdrive always throw me off a little, but I'm loving this one so far!

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Had to find out what happens next! These books just suck you in.

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The Thirteenth Tale: A Novel | Diane Setterfield
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This season's stack + The Ask and The Answer ebook by Patrick Ness.

christineandbooks Harold Fry is wonderful! 8y
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Reading a YA recommendation from the MMD podcast. A fast-paced and emotionally charged read! 83% of the way through so far.

Kirby this is in my amazon cart as a result of last week's series as well - your thoughts in my 13 year old reading it too? 8y
Cals90 @Kirby I think you could have some good discussions with this book, but I will say there is somewhat graphic violence. The book is action-packed and has quite descriptive, somewhat gory fighting scenes. It does deal with killing and death, but it has a good vs evil element to it. It also has a little bit of language. Hope that helps! 8y
Kirby it does - thank you @Cals90. looks like i'll be previewing it, then. it's rough all this reading for my kids 😉😄📚 8y
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This is due back at the library soon so it's time to read!

ErikaSB Such a good book. I could hardly put it down so it was a fairly fast read! 8y
Cals90 @ErikaSB I'm enjoying it so far but I'm reading it before bedtime and lately I've been so sleepy, so I haven't been able to make much progress. I think I will be able to finish it this next week! 8y
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier, Dame
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Dinner is in the crockpot and baby is napping.. I can read now right??

christineandbooks Yay for naptime! Enjoy your book! 8y
lynneamch Such a pretty picture --matching china and book jacket. Love it. 8y
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Anne of Green Gables | L. M. Montgomery
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I love Anne! So many delightful quotes in this book I wish I could post them all. Thoroughly enjoying rereading this after over 10 years.❤️

Literarydeb I didn't read the Anne books until I was an adult, and I love them. Now my 12-year-old granddaughter has read them, and it's fun that we can talk about them together. I had never heard of the Emily of New Moon series, also by LMM, until I heard Anne Bogel mention them, so now they are in my queue to read soon, as well. 8y
Cals90 Yes! @Literarydeb I have never read Emily of New Moon either but it is also in my TBR stack for the same reason! So neat you can share the Anne series with your granddaughter. I hope to enjoy them with my daughter when she is older! 8y
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