»Das Böse schlummert in uns allen. Es ist unsere Entscheidung, ob wir es zähmen oder nicht.« 💔❤️
»Das Böse schlummert in uns allen. Es ist unsere Entscheidung, ob wir es zähmen oder nicht.« 💔❤️
No words needed #coffeelove. I like coffee more than the book, though, because I expected it to be more adventurous (and less talking).
Happy Birthday, "Das verlorene Dorf". I will always love you ??.
The thing I like the most about #darkelements: Guns N' Roses! 😃
#book #books #youngadult #fantasy #reading #read
#Rainbow books - I really liked the beginning of the "Das Juwel" ? trilogy but the ending was way too simple. ? What do you think?
Not sure if I'm going to read the 2nd part of "Erwachen des Lichts" by #jlarmentrout since I'm not that much of a #sethaholic and the first #book was all about his d* (Like seriously? How old is he! ?). I don't mind romance and sexual tension as long as there's a story, too! I did like the Greek-ish setting and the writing, though ?. ???
Soo in love with this book! ❤️ You think you know the story of #peterpan and Captain Hook? Weeeell... think again! I really enjoyed this book. It reminded me of "Lord of the Flies" (one of my all-time favorites). It's dark, bloody and very well written. Read it! :) ?????
»Er wollte sie nicht mit seiner Vergangenheit aus der Gegenwart verjagen.« - #dasverlorenedorf - - Hello, #september! ❤️🍁🍃
»Ihm zu begegnen, fühlte sich jedes Mal wie eine Premiere an.« - Happy Birthday, #zurichfliegt! 🎉❤️
#thriller #switzerland
Did you like the #angelfall trilogy? I loved the first two books but the ending was rather "meh" ... ?? #youngadult #fantasy
Good morning Litsy, it's been a while - and I'm still reading #Schattenkrone 😅. I really like the story so far. 😃 Happy weekend! 💋
Good morning, Schattenkrone - I really like you so far! 😃 #currentlyreading
»Sie musste herausfinden, weshalb er tat, was er tat; ob er das Monster oder das Opfer war. Ob er ihre Liebe verdiente.« - #zuerichfliegt #crime #thriller. - - GREAT NEWS coming soon! ❤️❤️
»Das alles war surreal. So etwas passierte in Filmen, aber nicht hier. Nicht ihm.« - #quote #youngadult #dasverlorenedorf - I'm soo excited that my books are available on Litsy 😍. Have I already mentioned how much I love this App? I'm such a dork. 😅
#Nextread: Schattenkrone by Eleanor Herman. Soo excited! 😇🖤