Unfortunately still unread 😅 but it looks amazing 😍
Read this beauty years ago and loved it soooo much! Even though I own all of the three books in the trilogy I haven't continued reading the rest yet! 😅
How am I gonna survive without my weekly episode of #GameOfThrones ? 😟
It's the first day of September and you all know what that means... BACK TO HOGWARTS! Have a lovely ride back to Hogwarts and may your new year will be full of magic ⚡️❤️
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass dieses Buch es schaffen würde, mein Jahreshighlight zu werden! Absolut die 5 Sterne wert! ❤️??
Für einmal kein Buch im Bild, dafür Funkos! ?? und natürlich Game Of Thrones!
My new currently reading: this little beauty called «Caraval» ❤️
This cover is the definition of beautiful simplicity 💕
« He's a wallflower. You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand. »
« So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. »
Eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsbücher ❤️
So much love for this book and trilogy! Such an amazing setting for a story ❤️
Ein Buch, das schon länger beim mir steht, aber noch nicht gelesen wurde... allerdings wird es nicht mehr lange so bleiben! ???
I bought "The Fate Of The Tearling" by Erika Johansen a while ago but I haven't had the chance to read it ? But the covers are so awesome ?
My next read ❤️ can't wait to start it ☀️