Really enjoyed the movie now have to read the book of course
Really enjoyed the movie now have to read the book of course
There must be a balance between the things that I can be and the things I will never be. There must be a time when the spine of this boat will hold the body steady along a straight course. There must be words for that moment.
Taking a short fiction break with a little bit non-fiction
Enjoying this so far, especially because it takes place in Scotland and I've been planning my trip there this fall #currentlyreading
Took me a few chapters but really getting in to Soulless finally!
Time for a middle grade book palate cleanser after reading lots of romance and Gillian Flynn! #middlegrade #whatimreading
Love exploring new & used bookstores! Bought a few fantasy and sci fi classics today #indiebookstores #bookshop
Cute, funny new adult contemporary romance with a good balance of drama and self-awareness. Not a perfect book, but still a pick for me!
Loved this book!! What a great way to start off my 2017 reading life. A feel-good Sci-Fi space adventure for fans of Mass Effect and Firefly with excellent world building. Now I need to read the recently released second book!
One of my last books for my Around the Year in 52 Books! This one covers "A childhood classic"
#shelfie of the day. this is my YA and old textbooks bookcase. kind of a weird combo but it works for me.
Finishing up my Around the Year in 52 books challenge...4 and a half books to go! Plus a few extra for my #decembertbr
I'm finally getting to one of the most important books on my tbr!!! So far read part one and already so into it 😍
Really enjoying this so far, I'm glad I bought the next two books so I can keep the story going
almost done but probably a 4 star read for me...I've seen quite a few not so great reviews but this book was definitely for me!!
currently reading...fin de siecle parisian witch reincarnation plus courtesans