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Joined October 2016

5-Perfect 4-Keeper 3-Enjoyable 2-Meh 1-DNL
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Desire After Dark by Amanda Ashley
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Stray by Rachel Vincent
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Vampire Viscount by Karen Harbaugh
Courtesan Duchess | Joanna Shupe
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The hero really killed it for me. I gave him ever chance to redeem himself and grow up but sadly he never did. Big disappointment because the heroine was great! The plot had promise but a whiny, deadbeat hero who couldn't grow up made this book just meh.

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Brilliant! When a plain Jane spinster decides she has nothing to lose by breaking a few gender rules she finds adventure and love when her teen crush finally takes notice. #romantsy #osrbc

This book is smart, funny and witty! 💖

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If you're looking for a fun regency romp read this book!
The Duke must marry! He has chosen four lovely ladies as candidates to be his bride. A three day stay at the Duke's country estate...what could go wrong?
In this Bachelor's Game with a Duke who has much in common with Will Wonka (Depp version) what Lady could resist? #romantsy #osrbc

🚨Please have chocolate ready when reading this book!🚨

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A wonderful tale of adventure! This is one for the keeper shelf!
If you like books with crazy sauce you'll love this.
#romantsy #osrbc

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The House in Grosvenor Square | Linore Rose Burkard
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I love how the author protrays the real struggle between a religious couple being sexually​ attractive to each other. Basically the hero had trouble keeping his hands off his fiancee. He was really trying to be good! This plot was great but switching of character perspectives got dizzying. I really liked this book other than that.

Before the Season Ends | Linore Rose Burkard
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This is an Inspiration romance. I really enjoyed the story. It got a little preachy towards the end but not too bad. The sequel is better.

Seduction | Amanda Quick
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This started off like train wreck. The h/h were so wish washy at first but as the story progressed they began to change into honorable people. By the end of the book I was satisfied with the romance. My only regret there seems to be no sequel even though the end set one up.
#OSRBC #romantsy

Rebellious Desire | Julie Garwood
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Very anticlimactic. I spent the whole book waiting for the bad guy to be revealed only for it to be over so quickly. I thought surely it couldn't be that obvious. It was.

Gentle Warrior | Julie Garwood
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The hero acted like a caveman. He grabbed the heroine by her hair, he shook her like rag doll several occasions. He constantly yelled. He was an abusive jerk. The heroine a doormat. The book has at least one love scene a chapter and very little plot. I'm surprised by that because it was written in the 80s. I couldn't wait for it to end. Skip this one.

Red Rose | Mary Balogh
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⭐⭐ Meh

Not her best. The hero was too hard to like. The herione was likable. I think the courting with the other guy took up too much of the book.

Crazy for Her | Sandra Owens
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I started this back in September but real life got in the way. I finally finished it. I really like Dani. She's strong, smart and witty. Logan it took me time to warm up to. I don't envy Dani with all the emotional baggage this relationship has because of Logan's past.
#osrbc #romantsy

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront

So I updated my tag line to show how I rate books I read. I wish Litsy had one more option than Pick/So-So/Pan/Bail 📚

So here's what that means to me:
(4-5 ⭐ = Pick/3⭐ = So-So/2-1⭐ = Pan/Bail = DNF)

My Star Rating meanings:

So just because I rate something So-So doesn't mean it was just okay it means enjoyable but could be better.

A Chance Encounter | Mary Balogh
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I really enjoyed the story but did not connect with hero. The misunderstanding between the couple seemed drawn out a bit. It was still a good read and I adore this author's formal style of writing.
#OSRBC #romantsy

candyflossramparts ...and that cover! 😍 7y
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The Double Wager | Mary Balogh
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Oh! This was a Georgette Heyer style type of story but a bit hotter. Marius just makes me melts. Henry is a bit green but still funny. I so enjoyed her antics. Let's just say Henry found herself in over her head quite a few times. This is classic Balogh that I just adore. A quick but satisfying read! Available on Hoopla.

#OSRBC #romantsy

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Just The Way You Are | Barbara Freethy
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Not your usual romance! There are no larger than life characters. They are all ordinary flawed people who must make some big life decisions. It felt so real and there was no easy answers to fix everything.
#osrbc #romantsy

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The Beauty and the Spy | Gayle Callen
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Oh so good! I love Charlotte. I love Nick. 💑 Their story was so swoon worthy. 💖 The ending was so sweet and tender. This is one for the keeper shelf. Now onto Julia's story. There has been such a build up I hope it lives up to my expectations.
#osrbc #romantsy

No Ordinary Groom | Gayle Callen
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A very light and fluffy read. I loved the herione. She was smart, strong and did not back down. The hero was meh. The little dog made it entertaining.
#osrbc #romantsy

Desire After Dark | Amanda Ashley
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Amanda Ashley is one of my guilty pleasures, what's yours? 📚 #romantsy #osrbc

Born.A.Reader I've read a lot of hers. Which ones are your favorites? 7y
blossy @Born.A.Reader I think my favorite will always be my first book I've read by her: Night's Touch. The whole series is good. I also really liked Shades of Gray. 7y
Born.A.Reader I liked this Night's series too. The Captive is my favorite I think, overall. 7y
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A huge thank you to Ms. Lorelei King. Her voice talents are always a pleasure. She is Stephanie Plum, Lula, Ranger and so many more to me. She did an outstanding job on Turbo Twenty-Three. I noticed she has picked up a few new voices. I do not think I would enjoy the Plum novels as much if it wasn't for the talent of Ms. King reading them to me. I ❤ her.

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It would have been 5 stars but the ending fell flat. It ended so abruptly. The climatic scene was disappointing, rushed. The rest of the book was great. It was funny, well paced, mystery that kept you guessing. I really enjoyed it. I do have one major issue. There was a ton of profanity. We are talking potty mouth character. I was shocked. You expect some swearing in a Plum novel but this went beyond the norm and into the annoying.

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*fans self* 👋 I'm having a 🔥Ranger Flash!! 🔥

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Goddess of the Hunt | Tessa Dare
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A wonderful fun story between a tomboy heroine and her brother's best friend. I found Lucy's antics hilarious. Poor Jemmy didn't stand a chance. Sophia was so enchanting. I can't wait to read her story. #osrbc #romantsy

Potent Pleasures | Eloisa James
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I think this quote explains how I felt about the hero. I had to knock a star off because of it. The story was well done and wonderfully written but the hero was just a huge jerk. I felt the heroine was too forgiving too quickly. The real hero was Charlotte's best friend. This was the author's first book and other than the hero was enjoyable.

blossy I plan to read Duchess In Love next time I read one of her books. 7y
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Bitten | Kelley Armstrong


I finally read it. It was pretty good. I had some issues with world building and Elena is one stubborn heroine. I felt the end was rushed. I have no desire to read the next book but I l had heard so much about this book I figured it was time to read it. Clay I felt was mistreated by Elena. I had a hard time with getting over that.

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Everything was so rushed but this one had real potential but I think the author may just being in too much of a hurry to finish Merit's story. So many characters have been introduced in this series with very little exploration of those characters. Series finale will be out in April so it looks like this series will never reach the potential it had. In my opinion all the focus on the romance killed it.

Mommamanzi I have loved this series but even a few chapters into this book and it seems to be a little...flat. Really hope the last book grabs me and puts everyone and everything in its place. 7y
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I gave Dark Debt an extra star because of what happens toward then end. Otherwise it follows the same formula as the previous last few books. I don't consider this series urban fantasy it focuses too much on the romances. I'd say it's really paranormal romance. If you go into it as urban fantasy you will be disappointed. If you go into it as a paranormal romance you won't be so out of by the series.

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Not much to say. The books have become formulated as books in a series have a tendency to do. You got Ethan being distant, Murder Mystery and bury underneath it all the main storyline.

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She's back! This had all the elements of the first books. It could be because all the old gang is in this one. There is also more world building and advancement of the main plot. I really enjoyed this one.

atunah You're getting close to being caught up, only 3 more to go. 8y
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I got my story arc about 70% in. This seems to be a pattern with latter books. Slow start but plenty of action towards the end. This one ended with a cliffhanger. This series definitely falls in the paranormal romance genre more than urban fantasy. Merits thoughts are more about her boyfriend Ethan than all other problems Cadogan House is facing. It's getting old. Yes I get it. Ethan is hot but how about some character development too?

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I'm on book 8 of the series now at the halfway point in the book. I'm so ready for a major plot arc. 📚 It just feels like the author is prolonging the series. I miss the magic of the first five books. Less romance and more character development.

atunah Yes, the first few had this special magic that the later ones don't quite measure up.I still read and like the series. I am up to date now, but I still long for the early books and how I inhaled those and the world building. Maybe this is a curse of most series. 8y
blossy @atunah I'm on book 9 now. I think the problem with the later books are too much focus on the romance instead of the world and main plot. The mysteries are shallow and not done well. I kind of wish the end of book five never happened. 8y
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There was just too much going on in this one. You got the main storyline, Merit and Ethan's relationship and the Book's mystery. This did move the main plot forward but it seemed to be done clumsily. I think because so much was going on it didn't really have time to develop a good smooth pacing that I love about her books. I think most of it lacked details and depth. That said. I'm now committed to this series.

Play | Kylie Scott
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“Yes. Sexy bread 🍞 that I could eat all the time because you are so delicious and full of wholegrain goodness.”🍪

Crazy Mal from Play - Kylie Scott

Trust me you just have to read the whole scene) I still snigger when I think of this scene.

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The fast pace was back. Plenty of action and romance in fact this book could easily be called paranormal romance instead of urban fantasy. The ending could also be a HEA. I could stop now or continue. Now the romance is settled I'm hoping the next book will get back to the main storyline.

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Sound Wisdom Merit. 👏👍

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it was just not up to par as the first four. I realize not every book in a series will be a hit. I knew right away who was the bad guy. I screamed at Merit a few times. The first 80% was boring more world building and Delores Umbridge moments. The last 20% rocked! I really like Jonah.

I'm waiting for the next book to become available. This was also the last one narrated by Cynthia Holloway who is amazing! I may need to take a break.

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I thought the end was rushed a little but I'm convinced it's not really the end. I have a feeling the next book is big in character development. Oh the making of a heroine. I love this series.

atunah I am so glad you are enjoying this series. I was hoping you would.😎 8y
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I'm going on to book four so that tells you I'm hooked! It had vampires, shifters and plenty of action plus strong romantic elements. I love this series!

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I just switched to Team Ethan. 😍💕

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I'm getting ready to dive back into Chicago. This is the third book in the series. I'm going in with expectations. I find the third book of a series can make or break it for me.

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The story just gets better and better! This was a character development book and we got to see Merit began to accept her fate as she began to learn about Cadogan House and her duties. You will immediately want to start the next one so have it handy!

atunah Yay. I inhaled the first few of this series. One after the other,I could not stop. 8y
blossy @atunah You and I have such similar tastes in books. Kathleen Turner, Fever and now Chicago Vampires. 8y
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❤Beauty & The Beast Moment! ❤

He paused in front of the doors that I knew led to the library, but hadn‘t yet had time to explore.
I stepped beside him. He slid me a glance. “You‘ve not been inside?”
I shook my head.
He seemed gratified by my answer, an oddly satisfied smile on his face, and gripped the door handles with both hands. He twisted, pushed, and opened the doors. “Sentinel, your library.”

Char I loved that line! 7y
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Cadogan House here I come! I can't wait to see if Merit and Ethan don't kill each other. I'm on Team Morgan so far though. Ethan seems too cliche.

Some Girls Bite | Chloe Neill
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It had great world building, an awesome cast of characters and a kick-butt heroine who is smart, snarky and fun. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thoughtless | S.C. Stephens
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One of my all time favourite series. This book is like a train wreck you can't look away but by book three you will be so glad you kept reading. Kellan Kyle is one hero you will never forget.

Some Girls Bite | Chloe Neill
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After the weird romance in the last book. I need a kick-butt female to read about to cleanse the palette. This is more Urban Fantasy so perfect to read as I recover from My last book.

VioletSelene @blossy this is going on my TBR list! Have you read any of the Mercy Thompson books by Patricia Briggs? 8y
blossy @VioletSelene I have not but own several of the books so it's on my TBR list. I've heard it's a great series. 8y
VioletSelene @blossy it really is. I think you'll enjoy it. 8y
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Vampire Viscount | Karen Harbaugh
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Started this quick read to forget the last book I read. It was written before the big vampire craze. So far so good.

#romansy #osrbc

atunah I love historical paranormal romances. Adding to my list. 8y
blossy @atunah You should have it. It was a Kindle freebie a few years back. If not let me know I believe it's lendable. 8y
atunah I do have it. I had no idea. 😛 too many books, so little time. 8y
VioletSelene Whaaaaat?! I need this in my life! 8y
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I finished it. I really wanted to bail many times though. I really wanted to like it but couldn't, Lucy was a complete nut. The writing is superb, the characters well done, The plot wonderful, The banter witty.

I had a real problem with Lucy's attitude. She didn't act like an adult. She needs Xanax & therapy. She never really grew up or redeemed herself in my eyes.

I'd give this author another try though. She can really tell a story.

Alinaire Totally fair assessment! 8y
GeekyGirlBooks Yep. Great writing; not-so-great heroine. I'll definitely read the author again! 8y
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I can't take it anymore! Lucy has to be one of the most immature heroines I've come across. If this was a physical book I would have thrown it across the room. I'm 66% into the book. I can only hope she grows up really soon. I hate Lucy Hutton.

Gotta take a break. I just love my Kobo too much to continue tonight.

Alinaire Keep going! I swear it's ❤️ 8y
blossy @Alinaire It just wasn't for me but I did try! 8y
Alinaire @blossy ahhh, no amour? Well I'm glad you tried and could make it through! What hate to love trope book would you recommend with a better heroine? 8y
Potent Pleasures | Eloisa James
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When adding a well established author to my to be read list for some reason I like to start with their first novel. I think I'll give it a try after my current book I'm going to need something a little fun.

#romantsy #osrbc

EloisaJames I wrote that so long ago--and yet it's some readers' favorite still. I poured emotion into it--I hope you love it! 8y
blossy @EloisaJames Thanks I'm looking forward to it. It's my next historical romance to read. 8y
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I'm getting ready to start this. I heard such good things about it so I've got high hopes for this one.

#romansy #OSRBC

atunah Just added this on waitlist at library. It keeps popping up. 8y
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