“There are only sixteen boats.“
“There are only sixteen boats.“
This story is great to have in the classroom for young children because at this age they are very interested in history. They love to look at pictures and this book has detailed pictures with captions underneath each picture. This prepares them and introduces them to history and gets them excited to learn about history.
This is a great book for children to learn about an important time in history. It provides graphic pictures and tools of the sinking of the Titanic.
“Color made him really really happy.“
This book is about a man named Edwin Binney and he was the man that created crayola crayons. This is another childrens book that inspires young readers that they can accomplish anything in life. Children love to learn new things reading this to children will keep their attention.
This book is another great book to have in a classroom. It is based on a true story of a man named Edwin Binney who created crayola crayons.
“She wasn't afraid.“
This book is an amazing true story about a woman who studied sharks and decided to dive into the Ocean to closer study the behavior of Sharks. This book inspires children and young adults that they can be whoever they want to be.
I would recommend this book for all ages and be introduced in all classrooms. This book talks about a true story with Eugenie Clark who studied sharks.
This was a great story to learn more about the famous olympic gymnast Simone Biles. I learned about her background and where she grew up and how she got started into gymnastics. This is a great book to have in your classroom for any student that is interested in learning more about gymnastics and Simone Biles. It is important to have a genre of different books in your classrooms and books based on different topics.
This book was a great story of the one and only gymnast Simone Biles and her life story. I think this story was great, and really gave me more detail and facts behind who Simone Biles was and how she got started into her career.
“Whether you were visible or invisible, it was all about how other people reacted to you.“
This book is past on true events that happened in three different time periods with three fictional characters. All three characters are 13 years old and all the stories are told from their perspectives. These would be important times in history to tell students about. Some of the descriptions may be graphic for younger students but can be summarized to meet each grade.
This book is a good book for advanced readers or older children. This book would be too intense of a reading level for younger readers. This book has a unique perspective on true stories based on fictional characters.
This book is a good resource for the younger grades because history isn't as much represented in the younger grades. this could be a good tool for teachers to use to introduce history topics to younger students who are interested and want to learn.
This book was enjoyable to read. It talked about important people in history and described important events that happened.
“Earth is part of the solar system.“
This book was published in 2020. This book provides a lot of information on the planets in our solar system. This book can be good to introduce space before the unit. Many students are interested in space and want to learn more about it. This book could become a resource to those students.
I thought this book was very informational and gave a detailed description of all the different types of planets in our solar system.
These poems are good stories to read at home before bedtime. These stories are a good tool for parents to read to get their child introduced to poetry. If a child is struggling to get into poetry at school. The teacher should have their parent/caregiver read them one of these stories before bed.
This book had easy poetry stories for young students to read and understand. I thought this book would be a good addition to any classroom. This would be a good book for all ages. Whether the story was being read or the students reading the poems they should be able to understand
“There is a place where the sidewalk ends and before the street begins.“
This story book for children full of poems was published in 1974. In the book a lot of the poems were easy to read, but required the students to use critical thinking skills. It is a book that gives you many poems to choose from and can help introduce students to this genre of writing. These stories embrace imagination and joy and allow students to enjoy reading poetry.
I enjoyed reading these poems written for young children. It introduces poetry to young children who may not understand the genre. It is a good story to explain different styles of writing and get students thinking critically.
“I wish that I could give you something...but I have nothing left.“
This is a children's poetry book about a tree that is selfless and gives everything it has to a boy. This book represents how much humans depend on nature to live. This story can also be looked at as a boy taking advantage of someone until they have nothing left to give. This book has many different representations, and this would be a good introduction to poetry, and a good book for an open discussion.
I thought this was a touching story about a tree who cared all about this boys happiness and put the boy above themselves. This book represents self less ness.
“But somehow I got used to the idea of trying something new.“
This is a story published in 2023 about an eleven-year-old girl named Avery. She feels squished and invisible being surrounded by her six siblings. She helps and takes care of her other siblings when she can. This can be seen in the classroom with students who are in this situation. They feel invisible and may feel overstimulated with all that is expected of them. This is a story to read to help students who feel invisible to feel seen.
I really enjoyed reading this book. This book is relatable to students who feel invisible and unheard. This story is geared towards higher grades with students who have more responsibility within their family and community.
This book was published in 2022 and this is a story of five different students who are forced to work on community service together. These students were not popular in school and don't share a lot in common with each other. This is a good story to introduce students to each other. It encourages students to be different and talk to people they may not usually talk to.
I thought this was an amazing and inspiring story of people who may not have a lot in common. They ended up working together and became great friends.
This book was published in 2019 and touches on diversity. The story is about a 12 year old African American boy who transferred to a private school and is facing a culture shock. This book touches on different communities and backgrounds. This is a good book to read to other students who might be feeling out of place in a new school. This book introduces students to other types of cultures and people in our community.
I really enjoyed reading this book. I think this book would be good to read in any grade level. This book would resonate more with grades 3-5 since the boy in the book is 12. This book touches on the topic of diversity in an appropriate way for children to comprehend and be able to reflect
This story was published in 2023 and it is about a sibling rivalry. Two sisters battle in a fencing duel against each other. It has humor, emotion, and passion. It is a great story to get children interested in reading. It has great representation of a sibling rivalry that learn to settle their differences.
I thought this book was a great graphic novel for middle aged students. Grades ranging between 3-5. This story is a great resemblance of a sibling bond between two sisters. Siblings may not always get along. But this story resembles how important siblings are to each other.
This is a story about a boy who is consistently getting in trouble in at home and is not very good at listening and following directions. This book is a good story to read to a classroom. The illustrations are humorous and tell a story within in them. This book can be a good book to incorporate a lesson, or have a conversation with students about following directions and listening.
No, David! was published in 1998. This is a book about a little boy named David, who is always getting into trouble and not doing what he is supposed to be doing. This is a good book for teachers to have conversations with students about appropriate behaviors in the classroom.
This story reminds children and adults of their fun times they had in the snow. This story allows children to use their imagination and want to explore nature.
This is a book made in 1962, based on a story of a boy who loves snow. This boy goes outside in the snow and finds objects within in the snow. He uses his imagination to play in the snow. He wants the snow to last forever.
This story provides a child friendly representation of what it is like for a mother when she is pregnant. This gives children a visual representation of what they looked like while they were in the womb.