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Joined April 2017

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Getting ready for the Dargusch family book exchange! @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch @Meredith3 @emilyhaldi

Mdargusch I can‘t wait! 6y
Reviewsbylola I still need to start mine. 😂 6y
emilyhaldi I haven‘t even picked my book 🤪 6y
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A nice book haul from the historic house Polesden Lacey that also happened to have a second hand bookstore with great gems all for Qf! ???

emilyhaldi Obsessed with everything about this post!!! 💕 6y
Mdargusch Wow! I want everything in your photo! 6y
Reviewsbylola I want that entire table too. 6y
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Meredith3 No! Never even heard of it! You gettin it?? 6y
emilyhaldi Lol why is this even a book?! Do read and let us know 😂 6y
Reviewsbylola #iwonder which marriage this could be about? 🤭 #abbainaugust 6y
Mdargusch No interest here. 6y
AnnieD It‘s a book of poetry that is a commentary on the charade of celebrity in modern society 6y
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Gone with the Wind | Margareth Mitchell
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I have always considered this to be one of my favorite books and would spend hours reading it up at the lake every summer. I am so concerned with reading new books (and trying to come within a fraction of my families insane book consumption) but maybe I should revisit an old faithful and remind myself why I loved it in the first place. #rip2myyouth #aprella

Meredith3 FUCK YEAH 6y
IamIamIam Aww, thanks for sharing this!!! I love that you guys are all on Litsy!!!! 6y
Mdargusch Do it! 6y
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Megabooks Definitely do! 6y
Reviewsbylola Oh sweet Jesus. 😂😂 6y
Cinfhen I love this photo🎉🎉🎉 6y
Kaye Would anyone like to tell us who is who in the photo ?. 6y
emilyhaldi Lolol @Kaye I think that might actually be my mom @Mdargusch cut off on the far left and then it‘s me, then @Reviewsbylola and some friends not on Litsy, then @AnnieD is the one wearing the Teva sandals 😂 6y
Kaye You girls all look so much alike in the photo you could be triplets. Annie looks like she‘s doing her Model Pose. You all look like you‘re having fun. Great memories. ♥️ 6y
LeahBergen I just love these family photos of you all. 😂😂 6y
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel | Jennifer Egan
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I would really love if Reese Witherspoon made this into a movie. Can some one please make that happen? Almost made me want to live in #newyork #aprella

LitLogophile Loved it! 😊 6y
Rachbb3 ❤❤❤ this book! 6y
Mdargusch Great prints 6y
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Cinfhen Still need to get to this #BOTM 6y
emilyhaldi Yes I loved this too!! I want to live in NYC during this time period 😄 6y
Reviewsbylola This would be a fascinating movie. 6y
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This is my #firsttime posting about a read along but most certainly not @emilyhaldi s first selfie. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤳🏻#aprella. This fabulous photo was taken in bath the one time home of jane. I like to think of myself as lizzy. Is Emily more of a Lydia or kitty?! @Cinfhen @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi

Laalaleighh @emilyhaldi you‘re so pretty! 6y
Mdargusch Good one! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 that was easy right? 6y
Reviewsbylola Lolol its a photo challenge, not a readalong. 😂😂 But we did just start a readalong today too. Feel free to join in. 6y
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Meredith3 👏🏻💥⚡️💞✨ 6y
Meredith3 🤳🏻🤳🏻🤳🏻 6y
LeahBergen 😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
emilyhaldi Ha!! I guess I deserved this 😆 💁🏻‍♀️ 6y
emilyhaldi You're too sweet @Laalaleighh behind the scenes it took 30 tries to get this one decent photo 😂 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo!!! There really is a #FirstTime for everything❣️❣️❣️great pic 6y
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Crane Boy | Diana Cohn
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@Reviewsbylola clearly not impressed with my company.

Moray_Reads You're up against Bill Bryson, I wouldn't take it personally 😂😂 7y
emilyhaldi She can't help herself 😆 7y
Louise She'll be with you in 400 pages. 😘 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
Reviewsbylola Hahahaha 7y
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Very excited to see the streets of bath with @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi @Mdargusch @Meredith3 after reading jane Austin‘s romantic account of the beautiful city.

Reviewsbylola Damn girl nice pic! 7y
Sarah83 Wonderful pic. 😍 7y
emilyhaldi Wow girl you fancy!!! Did you already finish this!? (edited) 7y
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Mdargusch It is really fun reading this and being able to picture the town. 7y
Melissa_J Will you visit the Jane Austen Centre? (edited) 7y
AnnieD @Melissa_J yes! We are all going to bath and the the jane Austin center. Very excited. 7y
AnnieD @Sarah83 thank you! This is a picture on my morning commute! @emilyhaldi I am about half way done! 7y
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This book was such a wonderful look into the past 70 years of Irish history. The main character can‘t seem to stop fucking up but you can‘t seem to stop rooting for him. The authors note are the end was also a heartbreak that we can all relate to. Thank you John Boyne for making my london commute a bit more bearable.

Mdargusch Glad you loved it. Can‘t wait to get on that London public transportation in 3 weeks! 7y
Mdargusch Also, I love your photo! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
emilyhaldi You‘re keepin those red nails goin!!! Love it and your review 💅🏻 7y
Meredith3 Fuck yeah home girl! I second what Emily said! Nice nails! 7y
Reviewsbylola Nails on point! 7y
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Double Indemnity | James M. Cain
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First book of 2018 - don‘t worry I finished this over a week ago I just don‘t post daily like @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi @Mdargusch big fan of this book and now need to go buy everything by James Cain.

Mdargusch I agree. I can see why @Reviewsbylola wants to read all his books! 7y
Reviewsbylola I now have six of his books. 😂 7y
emilyhaldi Go girl!!! I haven‘t started this yet but excited by the positive reviews 😄 7y
Meredith3 Omg you are WAAAY ahead of me! Nice work, homie! 7y
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I felt just like Eleanor going to Tesco Extra on a Sunday for my weekly shop but I think it‘s safe to say I didn‘t pick up as much Glen‘s. Easily my favorite read of 2018.

Mdargusch Glen‘s 😂😂😂 7y
emilyhaldi Do it up like Eleanor, girl!! 🍸🍸🍸 7y
Reviewsbylola Eleanor could have cleaned up! 7y
Meredith3 🍸🐈hell yeah, Glen!!!! Get it girl! 7y
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The book queens 👸🏼👸🏻👸🏻 stalking #bookoutlet for even more additions to their TBR #addicts #theymight needmorethan12steps #bookqweens

Reviewsbylola I tried to forget so I wouldn‘t feel guilty about the order I placed last night. 😂😂 7y
Mdargusch I didn‘t order anything! 🙋🏼‍♀️ 7y
emilyhaldi I placed an order, obvi💁🏻‍♀️ 7y
tpixie Great photo!! 7y
Reviewsbylola Not what I heard @Mdargusch 🤣😋 7y
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel | Jennifer Egan
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Trying to get this finished up before @Mdargusch gifts me with more books tomorrow! 📚🎄

Mdargusch Smart! 7y
Cinfhen Are you enjoying the book, like @emilyhaldi did?!? 7y
Reviewsbylola Hahahaha you‘ll have to read all night. I see where that bookmark is. 👀🤣 7y
emilyhaldi I‘m with @Reviewsbylola - you better read all night long!! 7y
AnnieD Haters gonna hate. 💁🏻‍♀️@emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola (edited) 7y
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It sometimes feels like all I do is work but only a week until I am home for Christmas and our family book club! @Meredith3

Meredith3 Woohoo!! Partypartyparty!!! 🍾🎊✨🤘🏻🦄 7y
Reviewsbylola I haven‘t gotten mine yet. 😭 7y
Mdargusch I like that cover! 7y
emilyhaldi Yeah girl! Youre a boss bitch. Can't wait to review this book together 🍷 7y
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I have recently started taking the bus to work and it has been amazing because I get to read everyday! Struggling a bit on this Friday morning with the main protagonist, Elena. I get this is a journey of self discovery but I wish she would stop being so meek. Anyone else agree?

Mdargusch Nice photo! Unfortunately I haven‘t read this yet. Is this your book club pick? 7y
Reviewsbylola I think @emilyhaldi read one of her books before. I‘ve heard this series is a bit slow. 7y
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AnnieD @reviewsbylola I have read and the second book in the series. They are a bit slow but once you get into its very good. It‘s just a slow journey of a very interesting friendship 7y
emilyhaldi I am going to start this series someday! I already have a couple of the books 👍🏻 7y
Lesliereads I, too, get frustrated with Elena‘s inability to fully own her talents...but maybe that‘s a result of her/their early life? 7y
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I just finished the 3rd book by kevin kwan and can confidently say they are all amazing. I want to be Astrid Leong and will now be planning a trip to Singapore

BookishMarginalia These are so fun! 7y
Reviewsbylola Still gotta read the first book! 7y
Meredith3 Whhoopwhoooooooop! ✨✨✨✨ 7y
emilyhaldi Take me with you!!!!!! 7y
Mdargusch Oh good to know. I haven‘t read any of his books. 7y
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@emilyhaldi made sure I was all set with snacks and a good book for my train ride. Although the Coke she gave me was a bit less potent.

Reviewsbylola Too bad you weren't drinking that shit 100 years ago. 7y
emilyhaldi LOL @Reviewsbylola 😂🤣😂🤣 7y
Mdargusch Loved this book! 7y
Meredith3 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 7y
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Fellow littens - do you struggle with your book clubs? Part of the group is full of great conversation and even better recommendations- like the above, such a good read. I don't think I would have stuck with it if it wasn't for the high praise from my friend and I am so glad I did. But my club has so many rules and the self elected leader is not inclusive of new people. I love having a book club but I don't think I can stick it out.

emilyhaldi Your book club leader sounds terrible 😜 7y
MidnightBookGirl I run 2 book clubs and only the one for the bookstore has any rules (the bookstore one requires purchase of the book from us, but that's the only rule). Maybe check out Meetup.com for a local book club or see if your local library has one. Life is too short for bad book clubs! 7y
DivineDiana I agree with @MidnightBookGirl ! I belong to one at a local library and it is so rewarding! 7y
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Natasha.C.Barnes Yeah that sounds rough--get out of there! I can't even imagine what all these rules could possibly be! Just put your feelers out there, maybe you can find another or start one! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Start a rival book club with the nicest people from current book club ✨✨✨ 7y
CouronneDhiver Litsy has a few postal book clubs around... I'm sure we can do better than that! 🤓 7y
moranadatter That's rough. I used to struggle with mine, but the people who hated everything and the ones who never read the books dropped out when we reorganized earlier this year. 7y
AnnieD Thanks guys! Great suggestions! I think a rival book club might be in order! 😊 7y
Reviewsbylola Holy shit, two Litsy posts in one day?!? There is an actual rule that no new people are allowed? It sounds ridiculous. 7y
MrBook @BookBabe and I run a few, 2 of which are in NYC. Ours are on Meetup. No rules really, just RSVP or un-RSVP if you can't make it. 7y
BookBabe Gosh! What rules? Is one of them "No fun allowed"? I agree with @MidnightBookGirl — book clubs should be fun and something to look forward to! ?? 7y
Mdargusch Sorry I️ missed your posts. Book club with rules? 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼now post some more. How about a Shelfie? 7y
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It was an interesting subject but I felt like the author gave way too many details that were redundant or confusing. Also I get it - the amazon is terrifying! Was an almost DNF for me. Did anyone else struggle?!

Mdargusch Yes, I struggled with the abundant information, however, I thought the story was interesting. 7y
Reviewsbylola So glad you finally finished this. I'm skipping it. You convinced me. Mom had a similar suggestion that she said was better 7y
BooksForEmpathy I saw the movie instead 😂. And I really liked that. 7y
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AnnieD @BooksForEmpathy fair! Brad Pitt is a hottie! 7y
akfreeborn I tried twice and dnf but third time was a charm and I enjoyed it. I have his new one to read. Hope it catches me the first time! 7y
Melissa_J I big time struggled so I bailed on it. I was so bored. 7y
emilyhaldi I got this book from a lakeside street sale last summer for $1! Still haven't read... 7y
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To Bed with Grand Music | Marghanita Laski, Sarah Russell, Juliet Gardiner
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Can't wait to dive into my Persephone book haul. If you have never read one of their books you are doing yourself a disservice. One of my favorite stores in London and they ship to the us! 🇬🇧🇺🇸📚

Reviewsbylola Yeah girl!!! Someday we'll go together. 7y
emilyhaldi Buy me some books already!! 📚 7y
Mdargusch I'm drooling. We need to go! 7y
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Lesson learned - don't pick up books next to the B&N checkout counter. I love historical fiction and am fascinated with Empress Sisi but I can honestly say that I enjoyed reading her Wikipedia page more than this book. I had to check that it wasn't YA because the way it is written assumes the reader can't be older than 13. Next time I am taking @Reviewsbylola advice on a book pick!

Reviewsbylola Always listen to your older sister. 👊🏻 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I'm fascinated by Sissi too! I was late night channel surfing once and found the movie (much romantised but lovely) based on her courtship/marriage (I went on to watch the sequels and then base a library school project on her) have you seen it? 7y
tracyrowanreads I still haven't found anything fictional about her that's as good as historical accounts. A shame really. 7y
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emilyhaldi 🤦🏻‍♀️ 7y
AnnieD @thegirlwiththelibrarybag yes! The movie "Sissi" started my love for her! She is such a fascinating person that I had high hopes for the book! Such a shame @tracyrowanreads 7y
Meredith3 Always trust @Reviewsbylola ! 😹 7y
CouronneDhiver Love your top! 7y
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Vacation book haul! My sisters and mother have been waiting for this day for too long. Stephanie can be very persuasive.

emilyhaldi WELCOME TO LITSY!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
Meredith3 I love those parrots 🐦 7y
goodbyefrancie Welcome to Litsy! Enjoy! 7y
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jfalkens Welcome to Litsy ☺☺ 7y
BibliophileMomma Welcome to Litsy!! 7y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Welcome to Litsy!!! 😊❤🙌📚🎉 7y
Tnovo Excellent choices for your first post 📚👍. Welcome!! 7y
Reviewsbylola 📚📚📚 7y
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