On my way home from Hamilton, having a great time with this lovely!
On my way home from Hamilton, having a great time with this lovely!
"The summer before my senior year of high school, I went to New York and made a nonunion film called CAMP. It was a unique film in many ways. People have either never heard of it or they want to tell me that it changed their life, no matter how inappropriate the circumstances. I am very glad this movie helped you come out to your parents, and as I was saying, my insurance only covers the generic form of RectaGel."
A little something scary. Happy Halloween, everyone!
It's starting to get chilly and windy around here, so I may as well pretend I'm in Corfu.
Had a horrible day at work, but fortunately I work near a Barnes & Noble, so bibliotherapy is always on the table.
Got my copy of The Other Daughter and some Pride and Prejudice page flags! :)
"Have you read them before? The poems?"
"Oh, yes. I read Scent of Violets at the Front. My sister sent me a copy. It frightened me, in a way. That someone else saw and felt the things that haunted me and I never had the courage to write about even in letters home." He couldn't have said to Jean or to his sister for that matter, worldly as Frances was, what it was like to live in the nightmare of war.