Just finished this book at lunch. Yet again, loved it! Although after that ending I'm furious and have so many more questions! Hopefully they'll all be answered in #Identity2018
Just finished this book at lunch. Yet again, loved it! Although after that ending I'm furious and have so many more questions! Hopefully they'll all be answered in #Identity2018
Finally getting around to starting book 3! Only 3 months late. I'm the worst number 1 fan ever!
Wanted to read this one before the movie came out and apparently everyone else at the library had the same idea. So I went to the used book store and bought a copy instead.
Halfway through and I'm only more committed to remaining single for the rest of my life.
Just finished this and I'm in tears. So good! Beautiful imagery, like reading poetry. And these characters that you just fall in love with... Especially the narrator!
I am REALLY enjoying this so far! The imagery is so beautiful and vivid. It almost feels like I'm reading poetry!
Really enjoying this so far. Funny, insightful, and addictive.
Absolutely fascinating. Quiet science heavy in some parts (for this English major at least) but still an interesting look into the history (and future) of dementia.
It's only been 10 pages and I already despise all men. This is going to be interesting.
Doing a little reading in the bath. Let's see if I can finish this one tonight.
I wasn't ready to read this in 2006 but I'm ready now and loving it.
What I love about science is that as you learn, you don't really get answers. You just get better questions. -Malik, the zoologist
Started yesterday, finished today. That's how good this one is. A must read!
About a third done with this book in only one day. Really bummed I have to go to bed now because I just want to keep reading!
Such an excellent, amazing, wonderful book! You have to read this!
This book was good, not great. Hanks is a talented writer, but I just didn't relate to any of the characters. Look for my full review tomorrow on the blog! WhatStaceyReads.wordpress.com
Finished this last night. This book was so boring! It has no plot and not even any interesting scenes until after page 300. Really bummed with my first #BOTM selection.
Sunday morning with Flannery and peppermint mocha.
Now starting this one thanks to @thereadingwomen podcast. It's my first Flannery, and maybe not the best place to start, but it's far less daunting than the copy of her collected works.
Absolutely loved this! Jenny Lawson is hilarious and I saw a much funnier version of myself in her writing. Highly recommend, especially for those with depression and/or anxiety, and those that love someone with depression/anxiety.
Made it to the halfway point of this book during my lunch break and discovered this little guy on the cover under the dust jacket.
This week's read. I wasn't interested in this book when it first came out, but I've since realized that I also have anxiety in addition to ever-present depression even though I'm always smiling and laughing and making a joke, so I thought this might be an interesting read.
Next up on the TBR stack.
Finally finished and oh my gosh this is such a beautiful book! I never thought I would be that interested in it, but after I watched the movie I figured I would give it a go. I'm so glad I did! This story is written so beautifully and is so well detailed that I can easily picture it in my mind. Love this book! Stay tuned to the blog for a full review on Wednesday.
This was delivered on Tuesday but dropped off in my apartment community's office instead of my mailbox, so I finally got to pick it up this morning!!
I forgot from the movie that Cheryl Strayed grew up in Minnesota so these first chapters are giving me all the homesickness!
Time to start book number 41 of the year. I watched the movie a few weeks ago and it was pretty good. Figured I would give the book a go as well.
Next up on the TBR stack, this little novel about a murder in Iceland.
This was a very weird book, but I was still intrigued enough to keep reading. A very intricate story, told with too many big words. Keep a dictionary handy!
Picked out my second #BOTM selection this morning! I'm a little skeptical about this one but very interested.
Walked past this one in the library and remembered everyone raving about it so decided to pick it up. Starting the second book of my personal readathon weekend in a nice warm bath.
This book was so good! The chapters are short so it's a quick read. Just don't go to bed right after reading or you might have some scary post-apocolyptic dreams!
Starting off my weekend of reading with this recommendation from 2 co-workers. Only on page 9 but so far, so good.
I just couldn't get into this book. The writing is so difficult to understand. I managed to get through 130 of it's 183 pages and though it's tempting to just finish it because I've come so far, I just can't.
Starting this one tonight on the recommendation of a coworker. Supposedly it's a bit like Harry Potter. It's only 183 pages so this shouldn't take long!
No illustrated edition this time but moving on to the fourth book! It's crazy how much I forgot from the books and how different the movies are!
Finally gave in and subscribed to Book of the Month and made my October selection. Also got Turtles All the Way Down for free. It's my first John Green book so we'll see what all the fuss is about.
I wish this was butterbeer.
I'm really enjoying this re read with the new illustrated edition. It's very strange though to read this when I already know what happens!
This is my favorite of the movies and I'm so excited to be reading the illustrated edition!
Having to read my original copy for the pages that have spider illustrations on them. 🙈
Look what arrived today!!
Really not excited for all the spider illustrations in this one.
I haven't read the book but this movie was fantastic