To say this was so-so is generous. Let me sum this book up for you: Dexter gets hungry. Dexter sits in Miami traffic. Dexter gets hungry while sitting in Miami traffic. The end.
To say this was so-so is generous. Let me sum this book up for you: Dexter gets hungry. Dexter sits in Miami traffic. Dexter gets hungry while sitting in Miami traffic. The end.
My sister don't talk much. When she does, it's only to me, in moth-winged whispers, and only when we're alone.
This is a very good book for those of us with IBD who are feeling as if we are going to starve to death. It not only covers nutrition extensively, but gives (most of) the important information about treatment, surgery, the science of it all, etc.
I've been poked and prodded in places I'd always prided myself on keeping untouched for that one special doctor who gives me a ring and a promise someday.
😂😂😂 My cousin gifted me this book for Christmas. It's something I would never have picked up on my own, but it's pretty damn entertaining.
While I did enjoy the POV of Princess Winter, this book was way too long and predictable. I frequently felt like Cinder was Katniss and Artemisia was The Capital, which really took me out of the story. I had high expectations because Cress and Fairest were great, so I'm pretty disappointed.
One of the most unique (and definitely the most beautifully colored) graphic novels I've ever read.
This is a fun little story about fandom, but it lacks that trademark Rainbow Rowell romance we've all come to know and crave.
Love gives us eyes that see down to the marrow of our lover's bones.
Artemisia Lake glinted in the darkness, reflecting the lights of the palace back up to the sky, along with an entire ocean's worth of stars. Levana had often imagined that she could dive into the water and find herself floating in space.
Most folk have three faces - the face they get when they're children, the face they own when they're grown, and the face they've earned when they're old.
[Anger] It's gasoline. You can burn it as fuel, or you can use it to torch everything you care about and end up standing on a scorched battlefield, with everybody dead, even you - only your body doesn't have the good grace to quit breathing.
But what good is being smart when you speak words and no one hears the ones you mean?