I did enjoy this one, but I'm ready for McLain to become obsessed with a different author. 😉
I did enjoy this one, but I'm ready for McLain to become obsessed with a different author. 😉
I seldom say anything really negative, and books are so a matter of choice, but I waded through this and was sorely disappointed all the way around. If I said essentially how, that would be a spoiler, so I'll just say it was not for me.
I had such high hopes for this book. It looked to be different from anything I had/have read before. I really like the parallels to Hans Christian Anderson's "The Marsh King's Daughter" throughout. The current story gets so bogged down, not so much with the past, but with the minute details that I found myself wanting to plow through and skip over them....but I didn't. Perhaps had I done so I would have enjoyed it more.
By the time I finished this one, I felt like I'd been 'rode hard and put up wet!' It was a long journey, and I kept hoping to get somewhere, anywhere, but, alas, it was not really to be.
My first by Gaiman...I am not a fan of sci-fi as a genre, but I really loved this one. It won't be my last of his, and that has opened up many more possibilities for new adventures.