Here is what I've been reading lately! Some for pleasure and one out of necessity haha. "Everybody was so young" is great so far, I love reading about the lost generation!
Here is what I've been reading lately! Some for pleasure and one out of necessity haha. "Everybody was so young" is great so far, I love reading about the lost generation!
I've havent posted in a little over a year now but I'm back! My life has slowed down a little as classes are done and I'm on rotations so hopefully I can start posting again. Missed you guys!
I haven't been posting a lot this summer because I've been busy reading and working! I will probably start posting more often once the school year starts up again. But here is what I have read this summer so far and my current read. Hopefully will review each of these this upcoming school year once I think about them more
"i touch your book and dream of our odyssey in the super market and feel absurd"
Haven't posted in a while as I have been really busy lately, but here are all the books I have been working through! Usually I only read one book at once but I've added some nonfiction and poetry to help break up in search of lost time. I will hopefully have a review of the second book soon.
Things have been busy lately as I finished up my last week of school but I found some time to finish this. Proust has an amazing way of being able to show insight to our actions and why we do them. He also has some awesome descriptions of nature. I'm excited to start the next volume.
As someone who is studying pharmacy but spends all his time reading books, this hit pretty close to home!
I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting to read about a culture I know little about and struggles that are foreign to me. Malala's battle made me think about how lucky I am to be receiving the education I am. I've kindof taken it for granted and now I realize that if I take these skills and knowledge and don't make an effort to help those less off than me, I could waste it all.
"Life isn't just about taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. You can stay there accepting everything from the Taliban or you can make a stand against them."
I made a hasty and poorly thought out decision last week and bought this. But now that I have it I'm really glad I did. Not sure when or how I am going to read this but I'm definitely looking forward to it! Has anyone read this? Did you read it all the way through, read it with other books in between or some other way?
I finished my first Dostoevsky collection today. Not sure how I felt about it, I will have to wait a little bit and let it digest. I know that I liked it enough to take on his longer novels someday.
Last day of my school's library book sale means these 3 books were free!
"The fact is always obvious much too late, but the most singular difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is a solid and joy a liquid. Mine started to seep through its container as early as the next morning..."
"My God, a whole moment of happiness! Is that too little for the whole of a man's life?"
This short story was devastating. But good. A little over the top at points, but good.
The double was ok. If it was longer than a novella I dont know if it would have kept my attention but as it was, I enjoyed it. People say it is reminiscent of Gogol but I've never read any Gogol so it reminded me a little of Kafka (even though he came after) who I've read a little of. On to White Nights.
1. Android
2. Nope
3. Book related, an engilsh poetry app. In general, Lexicomp (it's a pharmacy app I use for school/work)
4. Laptop
At my parent's house today which means I get to flip through some of my favorite books. Happy Easter!
"The world spins. We stumble on. It is enough"
Starting this today, my first time reading any Russian lit. Not sure if it is a good place to start but I found this for $2 and couldn't pass it up!
I first read this a few years ago and didn't enjoy it. At the time the writing seemed dense and I was turned off by some of the themes presented. This time around I liked the writing a lot more but I found that the subjective reasons for my distaste of this book have gotten stronger as I have aged. Probably won't be reading this again but it was cool to see how I could appreciate this book more over just a few years. I can see why so many like it.
"I have strung ropes from steeple to steeple;
Garlands from window to window;
And golden chains from star to star..."
I finished this book about 2 months ago and at the time I was thinking it was one of the best books I've ever read. After letting my thoughts settle on it I can definitely say it is one of my favorite books! A great story told in beautiful language, every sentence felt like it was expertly crafted. Would highly
"...the person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last, and that love is not an end but a process through which one person attempts to know another"