A great, simple read on how to take a breath and reclaim your life. If you are looking to try slow living, it‘s a good realistic guide.
A great, simple read on how to take a breath and reclaim your life. If you are looking to try slow living, it‘s a good realistic guide.
I love self-help but I hate when authors repeat themselves 10 times with examples to fill space. This concise version was perfect for me. It gave me some good insights and reminded me of some lessons I had learned and used to live by.
A really good book about women, and finding our authentic selfs. Such a good read I had to double check it was actually non-fiction
I normally find self-help books either a bunch of egotistical babble or I gain one or two good nuggets from them and the rest is common sense - which is why I keep trying them, for those nuggets. This book was the right book at the right time. I have been trying to make major changes in my life, and this brought my self-observations together and gives guidance on how to actually make the change! I am impressed
Quick read when you are feeling down about managing the to-dos in life when it feels like they are taking over
This book is mesmerizing and engulfing. I never make time for myself to read more than a chapter every few days, but I put everything aside to finish this book in 2 days. Engaging characters , a paranormal carnival and rich with regional African lore and beliefs. An absolute must read!
So the copy I read is Kilts and Catnip - I wouldn‘t have given it a shot with the cutesy faux K listed above. If you love Celtic/Scottish lore, this is a fun, sweet book for you. No hardcore romance, so it‘s also safe to lend your grandmother 😉
Loved the book - great characters, plot twists, and all. Although not a focal point, part of the plot includes an incredibly accurate depiction of the subtle sexism middle age wives face making it super realistic and not formulaic