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Joined May 2020

“Panic flirted with his mind threatening to overwhelm him” a saying that truly speaks to my mind
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This was an awesome give to open and I loved every bit of it even the toffee apple shortcake bites @wanderinglynn @Magpiegem this was a good #HHS

wanderinglynn Love it! 🎃🖤👻🧡 11mo
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Summoner's Handbook | Taran Matharu
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This is wat I got in my # modernwitchswap

Thanks to @BookwormAHN for running it

Can't wait till next swap,

BookwormAHN Cute kitty 🐈‍⬛ 11mo
dabbe Hello there, perfectly-sitting kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 11mo
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@wanderinglynn parcel being sent out today for @Magpiegem hopeful get to you soon #hhs

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎃👻🙌🏻 12mo
Magpiegem Eek so exciting!! 12mo
TheWolfbehindTheEyes @Magpiegem just checking in to make sure it got delivered 12mo
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BookwormAHN Checking to see if you sent off your #MWS 🐈‍⬛ 11mo
TheWolfbehindTheEyes @BookwormAHN I live with my swap so didn't need to send it is all bagged up ready tho 11mo
BookwormAHN Okay, fantastic! 11mo
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Thank you to @DinoMom for my #athingaday

I love them it's really cool had to bring in my Ron pop to where the hat

DinoMom I have a set of them and use them all time . Never thought to use the face pad holder as a little hat… hmmm. I think this may happen at my house as well when I put out some of my xmas decor . I have a Dobie that it would look good on … (edited) 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!!! 13mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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@hannah-leeloo thank you for the tag

1.50 first dates
2. Ant man and the wall quatomania
3. To get healthier and not let my conditions get worse

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"People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff"

Nice little find on vinted thanks to @hannah-leeloo

Cuilin I love the timey-wimey quote. ❤️❤️ 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Litsyversary 🎊🎉📚🎊🎉 1y
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Most recent purchase can't wait to get into them

Anyone know if there any good

Unknown Book 7535597 | Unknown Unknown
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@CymbaX13 you turn

#20 things about me

Tales of Beedle the Bard | J.K. Rowling
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These are wine gums like a nit too hard chewy sweet


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you!! They look yummy 😋 2y
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Tales of Beedle the Bard | J.K. Rowling
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1 summer but not to hot
2 winegums
3 green /purple
4 tulip
5 fantasy magic dragons
6 monster watermelon or sour apple
7 Raid shadow legends

2 currently stuck between books as in a slump
But beadle the bard from HP

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks for tag

@GondorGirl @DinoMom @Butterfinger

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks What are winegums? 😊 2y
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Summoner's Handbook | Taran Matharu
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First batch of letter going out I'm actually glad I did them

@listylove #litsylove

Going to post them Saturday

slategreyskies They look great! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wonderful!! Did you get mine yet? I know the mail is slow! 2y
TheWolfbehindTheEyes @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yeah thank you It arrived yesterday morning 2y
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Summoner's Handbook | Taran Matharu
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Id like to thank @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for sending me my first #litsylove letter I can't wait to start writing some out this weekend when I get a chance

Thank you to @hannah-leeloo for introducing me


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope it makes it to you safely!! We are happy to have you 💙 2y
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BFG | Roald Dahl
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@hannah-leeloo @MoonWitch94
Fav genre🐉⚔, because how can you not like dragons,I have to pic cover art to catch my eye

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey!! Hannah told me that you are interested in our pen pal group! If so please email me your username, name, address, and birthday to loverofbooks75@gmail @hannah-leeloo 📝📮💌 2y
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Whosoever speaketh of Cthulhu shall remember that he but seemeth dead; he sleeps, and yet he does not sleep; he has died, and yet he is not dead; asleep and dead though he is, he shall rise again. Again, it should be shown that: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange eons even death may die.

So I opened up my bag and @hannah-leeloo may have hidden something for me to find thank you very very much in love with this bool

hannah-leeloo You're welcome 2y
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Untilted | Autechre
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Thank you for the tag @hannah-leeloo

I deal with adhd and mental health but you are there to help me every day good days and the bad that follow

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Looking forward to this
Not read anything based on viking god's yet so this will be interesting


DinoMom This series looks interesting. 2y
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Harry Potter: fun book | J.K. Rowling
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Iv had a very magical Christmas thanks to @hannah-leeloo for fitting me the first 3 of the collection as I bought the last 4 for my birthday
May all your days be magical #harry-potter #christmas-spells

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#basicwitchswap @sprainedbrain @mklong @jenniferw88
Finally got a chance to open it and god was a shocked I'm very thankful for all the gifts I got and I love the paper it was wrapped in can't wait to start read once iv finished the Harry Potter series

mklong Happy Halloween! 3y
sprainedbrain What a nice package! 🖤 3y
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Long live the king

@hannah-leeloo @lion king

Yuki_Onna Awww... 😃 How lovely! I love geckos! 🥰 3y
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Unknown Book 7535597 | Unknown Unknown
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#wonderouswednesday @hannah-leeloo
1 ) winter where they days are shorts a d nights are long 🌌🌘🌗🌖🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑 2) cuddles to an open fire or film under a blanket 🦹‍♂️🛌🖥 3) the libary of Alexandria before the fire 📖📜📚🔥 4) I'm grateful for the people who care and support me 🧙‍♀️🧹

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You know when someone says a book is full of shit the book has a scene where one of the main characters is literally shoveling dragon shit

It's my 4th book finished now onto the last book of the ballad of Sir Benfro "the obsidian throne"

Thanks for getting me into reading @hannah-leeloo

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Finished the Golden Cage my 3rd full book since started reading in march
not big fan of the ending but not to see where the story leads

Thank you @hannah-leeloo for introducing me 🐺🌙🐾

Nightmare's Edge | Bryan Davis
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Some times when I sleep I have the most real nightmares and then I wake in panic and distress I look for the moonlight but her brightness isnt there and I have nowhere else to turn to I feel lost and distraught I think of how her love shielded me and protected me it brings little ease but just enough to bring back slumber I pray the next day I can feel her gaze apon my skin once more here the melodies that leave her lips to ease my worried ears


When times are tough I try to read
But now I'm struggle I can hardly breath
I wish I had you by my side
Iv told you all hidden no lies
You name as moonlight bright in sky
I'm feel so weak when ever I cry
Iv tried to resist and stay away
I fail and stumble everyday
My soulmate once both of our words
We said with ease and love to be heard
I beg for you to talk and reply once more
But messages sent with no means to restore
Bring moonlight back

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Not read in a while stuck on one serious so I'm gona try read another been weeks since I just sat and read properly

AkashaVampie Love how it says Demonology inside... haha 4y
TheWolfbehindTheEyes @AkashaVampie it has all the stats of the demon like height power level powers 4y
AkashaVampie @TheWolfbehindTheEyes that's cool. I will definitely have to check it out. 4y
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King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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I repeat never go shopping with @hannah-leeloo she will force you to carry more books then you have space for but at least I got one or two for my self we did have a laugh but now back home and ready to read 🐺🌙🐾

hannah-leeloo Let's go book shopping again 🙃🥰😁 3y
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Reading In the countryside =
No noise pollution
No unwanted conversation with strangers
And No stress

Being at Bradgate Park Leicester is so peaceful when the suns out and I get to see the odd herd of wild deer

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Thank you @hannah-leeloo for the tag #wonderfulwednesday #eggs

1) cleaning/yard work
2) the ballad of Sir Benfro
3)jack black

Your turn @TheLibrarian @CBee @Mishu94

Mishu94 Thank you for the tag! 🤗 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Thank you to @hannah-leeloo for tagging
1 favourite accessories: guitar pic
2 visted a desert: Tunisia where they filmed star wars
3 read this week: the golden cage (ballad of sir benfro) need to get back in to it

@TheLibrarian your turn

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Just bought something a bit different to what I'm used to

Hope I like it

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As the journey continues I pick up the 3rd book in my 5 book series

Thank you @hannah-leeloo

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As I close another book I move on to the rest
As story continues I wonder what come next
From danger or compassion to love and to fear
I hold the ones I love so close and so near

Next book in the serious bring it on Sir Benfro Of The Borrowed Wing


City of Bones | Cassandra Clare
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Just bought another new series after saying I wouldn't

Everyone can blame @hannah-leeloo for agreeing to go half's on it 🐺 🌙

Branwen Great choice! 4y
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Summoner's Handbook | Taran Matharu
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My first official book series That i own thank you @hannah-leeloo for the gift once I finished what I‘m reading I‘ll promise to start it before I buy any more books It looks like a really good read and I love the art work inside: maps and demon information charts really good illustrations

Buechersuechtling Sounds so cool. I‘m curious what you will post about it. 4y
TheWolfbehindTheEyes @Buechersuechtling gonna be a while as need to finish Dreamwalker series 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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(1of4) A TALE OF THE LOST a D&D poem: Jewls treasure undead never seen
Demons lerk behind every seam
A darkness so deep full of regret
A monster so foul with there wretched breath
By stone or steel with its blood lusting hoard
Adventures protected by zariels sword
They walk undetected by the path of the light
A head lies a most gruesome of fight

Untitled | Unknown
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(2of4) A TALE OF THE LOST a D&D poem: But alas they be weary and weak some insane
Ow what a mistake it was to enter this plane
As your mind lie corrupted and broken in part
we all sit and recall what a beautiful start
6 friends around a table with hope in there eyes but now a few good men just waiting to die

Untitled | Unknown
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(3of4) A TALE OF THE LOST a D&D poem: What happened to them what different people they have become
With minds so bent and left feeling numb
From a colonel so brave stood at front line
Now he forgets of his military time
From a tiefling so bright and happy with glee
What happened to his mind absent of creativity

Untitled | Unknown
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(4of4) A TALE OF THE LOST a D&D poem: A lady who steals and puts fish in box
Not much has changed but that fish left to rot
A wizard who built and made spells full of light
Now he stands with his memories not right
A pixie so small and innocent at best
now goes to sleep with a bottle of the bars best
The barbarian still new to this infernal plane
Time will change her and it‘s not me you can blame

Untitled | Unknown
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Thank you @hannah-leeloo for the tag 1) Water. 2) Ballad of Sir Benfro.DreamWalk 3) Golden Cage @wideeyedreader @TheLibrarian

Untitled | Unknown
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Thank you for the tag @hannah-leeloo 1)Germany to learn about history of WW2
America to rent a bike and ride. 2) second chance , friends who care about me 3)

Untitled | Anonymous
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@hannah-leeloo sounds all to familiar to me I think

Cosmos_Moon So many books and not enough time! I have the same problem. 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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As I sit and lay in this bed I made my mind so fogged and lifted in a haze, for the trust you given and then taken away I became the monster I tried to keep away, for the way I live in a panicked mind i try and think what can I do to make things right, all I ask is for your simple touch as to me that is more than enough, the punishment I bear for what if done make me wait and feel so numb, it‘s time to admit my wrongs to myself 🐺🌒🐾

Untitled | Unknown
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Thank you @hannah-leeloo 1. Leicester GB. 2. The Ballad of Sir Benfro (Dreamwalker)/ (The Rose Cord). 3. 450 pages over 3-4 weeks. 4. @wideeyedreader @Branwen

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130 pages in a day most Iv read before and in these chapters Iv been betrayed by what I thought to be friends, Iv been shocked about how a situation unfolded between the two main characters meeting and shocked how one of my favourite characters is being influenced by an outside force Book why must you do this to me made me smile laugh cry and rage

Buechersuechtling Welcome to the bookish companionship. That‘s what they sometimes do. 😄 4y
TheWolfbehindTheEyes @Buechersuechtling I was not ready for this the torment the excitement god I love reading I have to thank @hannah-leeloo for introducing me to the world of books and Sir Benfro 4y
hannah-leeloo You're welcome. A book is a great escape from reality and pains of the world, the characters of the book become comforting companions and its great for the mind and soul to have the release. I find I miss my book world and companions quickly and I hope that Benfro and Errol continue to carry you on their mighty adventure 📖🐉🐲📚 happy reading 4y
Buechersuechtling “A book is a great escape from reality and pains of the world, the characters of the book become comforting companions and it‘s great for the mind and soul to have the release.” 👉🏼 Very well said @hannah-leeloo ‼️ @TheWolfbehindTheEyes She‘s definitely right there. 😁 4y
hannah-leeloo Thank you @Buechersuechtling it's nice to spread the joy of reading and spend time here amongst friends who know that joy also 📖❤️📚 4y
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About time i pick the book back up and read in this beautiful sun 🐺🌒🐾

Untitled | Unknown
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As the moon sits high in the sky it reminds me im not alone and there is a light to follow, a way home a way back to my loved ones , the wolf inside looks up at the moon and it gives him hope as the night is cold and scary but the moonlight is his protection his guide showing him the path a head 🐺🌒🐾

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Past couple of days not had the energy to read but as the world is slowly burning around us and all we can do is try hold and shield the people we love the most so they don‘t get burned. 🐺🌒🐾 🔥

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Today is my grandads birthday he has been away from us for 10 years I wish I could be half the man he was. He raised me and I looked up to him as a farther would a son he taught me lessons I will never forget and gave me wisdom I one day hope to pass to my children and some pretty bad jokes to. While you sit on that cloud looking down I hope that you are smiling and I proud to call you my grandad J.R. Blake 7-8-2010 we all miss you grandad🐺🥀🏍🛠

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Waking up in the morning is always an easy task but waking up away from the person you feel connected to feels like a chore One is done with ease and motivation the other is done reluctantly and with out meaning As these days seem to pass the slow March of time aches slowly forward flowers grow petals wilt but with care and attention it can be saved and that seed you planted will grow into something beautiful and loved where it should be 🐺🌒🌹🐾

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As one book ends the chapter of a new starts !spoilers! The way she embraced deaths with such ease and all to protect her son but her jewls will never rest with the other dragons in the nest and for that a sign of anguish will be released for you will not rest in peace ow Morgwm you died a noble death protecting others and the one you love and for that I thank you 🐺🌒😥 🐉