Bless you Audible for making the work day fly by! Oh and thanks Robert for good stories to help pass the day too! 😂 took a minute to catch my interest, but am quickly falling in love with The Eye of the World.
Bless you Audible for making the work day fly by! Oh and thanks Robert for good stories to help pass the day too! 😂 took a minute to catch my interest, but am quickly falling in love with The Eye of the World.
Loved this book! Took me a minute to get into it, but once I did! I fly right through it! Now onto book 3!!
Sometimes you just need a quick, easy read! Escaping laundry and dishes and diving into Magnus‘ world for the day.
Still learning this app, so im not going to tag anyone... but
1. Gave a tour to some college kids with advice on how to translate your skills and sell yourself in interviews. 2. Readinggggg 3. Magnus Chase book two!
Sometimes, you just need an easy and quick read!
Gah! Just as riveting and spell binding as the first! Tehlu (and the Cthaeh😂) only knows when Rothfuss will release the third book!!