Hey, if anyone‘s at the Texas Book Festival this weekend, come see me in conversation with the amazing Rebecca Roanhorse on Saturday! So excited.
Hey, if anyone‘s at the Texas Book Festival this weekend, come see me in conversation with the amazing Rebecca Roanhorse on Saturday! So excited.
Giveaway for Scorpica before it comes out 2.22.22! And 2000 entrants already on day 2 of the giveaway - great to see all the excitement.👸⚔️🦂
The Goodreads giveaway for advance copies of SCORPICA went live yesterday, and we‘re already within spitting distance of 1000 entries! Amazing! If you love epic fantasy full of strong women, ruthless women, women who are mothers and villains and victims and lovers and bandits and so much more —get your entry in ASAP.
Fantasy readers, rejoice! SCORPICA, the first in the Five Queendoms series, is now available for request on NetGalley. Kate Quinn says: “SCORPICA is Game of Thrones for all the ladies out there who loved Game of Thrones but hated its disappointing mad-queen finish: a richly-drawn fantasy world peopled by fierce women, smart women, warrior women, women to make you stand up and roar.” Release date is 2/22/22.
Lived up to the hype for me! Just the right balance of twists I didn‘t see coming and things I guessed - I love a book that has both. A thrilling, quick read!
Yay! My new book is in the Litsy database! Coming 2/22/22.
I‘d never read any Ken Follett, so I got this one from the library, and wow! I see what all the fuss is about. Great characters, big emotions, life or death stakes. Great on audio. (Failed to screen-shot the book cover, so here‘s a photo from my camera roll that seemed to have an evening vibe.)
Favorite audiobook of the year so far! When a groundbreaking researcher‘s estranged husband steals her research to make a clone — OF HER — the results spiral into twists, turns, damage, vengeance, revelations, ethical dilemmas, and more. Great writing from Gailey, and the audio performance is another hit from one of my favorite narrators, Xe Sands.
It‘s the first-ever price drop on the ebook of THE ARCTIC FURY! If you love historical fiction about strong women on possibly doomed adventures with a murder trial for good measure, this one‘s for you. $1.99 on all major ebook platforms, April 15 only, one and done. https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-arctic-fury-by-greer-macallister?buy=&ebook_de...
Grim but gorgeous take on an enslaved woman‘s life at the famous Richmond slave jail known as the Devil‘s Half Acre, making the best choices she can for herself, her children and her captured lover in the most dire, deadly circumstances. Hard to read at times but a powerful story of courage.
Loved it! This contemporary YA about a teen girl who works at a medieval reenactment restaurant with her brother, uncle and friends is delightful but meaty — Kit and her family struggle with serious poverty, which influences all her decisions, as she challenges the long-standing corporate rule that men are knights and women are wenches. Great girl-power tale, with a touch of adorable romance.
Had such a great time at tonight‘s Literature Lovers‘ Night Out event talking with fellow historical fiction authors Lauren Fox (Send For Me), Judithe Little (The Chanel Sisters) and Sarah Penner (The Lost Apothecary)! Readers attended from near the sponsoring bookstores in Minnesota but also across the country and as far away as Australia! Virtual events are truly the silver lining of not getting to do a traditional book tour these days.
The virtual book tour for #TheArcticFury continues! I‘ve got tons of fun stuff coming up, and tonight‘s is special — when they told me how many people are signed up, my jaw dropped. And now I‘m nervous as all get out. But don‘t let that stop you from joining us for an hour of Q&A, “Fast and Fury-ous” Arctic trivia, giveaways and more! Signup info on my Events page, www.greermacallister.com/events .
Audiobook fans! 10 copies of the fab #audiobook version of The Arctic Fury are currently up for grabs in a giveaway from @Sourcebooks and Recorded Books! Details on my blog, GreerMacallister.com/blog . Enter now through January 29th.
If you love epic fantasy but you‘re tired of the knights-and-castles, Western European-inspired variety, this is the book for you! Great world-building, heartbreaking characters, inventive magic systems, all the good stuff. Inspired by pre-Columbian cultures of the Americas. First in a series.
Enjoyed this on audio! Especially since it‘s set in Washington DC and references familiar landmarks not everyone knows (e.g. the Brazilian restaurant in Adams Morgan called The Grill From Ipanema.)
I remembered loving this book, which I read early in the pandemic, but decided I wanted to try it again, this time in audio. Thrilled to say I loved it just as much the second time. Maybe it has extra resonance for me as a writer, and I got lots of the references to 90s-era Cambridge and Boston, but I think it would be good for readers even without those connections. Questions of identity, relationships, grief, and much more.
Well this little purple note on Libro.fm just completely blew my mind. It may not last, but while it does, cheers!
Wow! The Arctic Fury has been showing up on some great lists (Indie Next, LibraryReads, Amazon Best Books of the Month) but this one really knocked me flat for some reason! Excited to listen to the audiobook myself and see how Eva Kaminsky brings the story to life. If you‘re thinking about buying TAF on audio, order from Libro.fm to support indies!
An easy-ish read about the awesomeness that is Dolly. Definitely made me want to read her autobiography for more depth, but the stories Smarsh chooses to tell, and the sociological context she provides, are great.
A little bit about a magical birthday dinner with Audrey Hepburn, mostly about analyzing an imperfect romantic relationship. Definitely reminded me of what it was like to be in my 20s. The audiobook is read by the author and a short, enjoyable listen.
Thank you, librarians!!! Thrilled to see #TheArcticFury as a LibraryReads Top 10 pick for December. It‘s a wonderful honor, especially in addition to the book also being an IndieNext pick — which means lots of love from librarians AND booksellers! What could be better?? 📚💕#litsyauthor #librarylove
I‘m not a huge horror fan, but I‘d heard enough raves about this one that I wanted to give it a try — and it‘s extraordinary. Not for the squeamish, but it‘s riveting, elegant, and most decidedly not for reading at bedtime.
My writing fuel came with a little extra inspiration. Sounds like a solid mantra to me!
Enjoyed this as a fun high school romance, with extra points for body positivity. The cover is spot-on — if you like this vibe, you‘ll like this book.
Just finished the series adaptation on Netflix, which I adored. (The costumes alone! Heaven!) Thinking of checking out the book to see how different it is.
Hadn‘t read this one in ages and it‘s even better than I remembered. Listened on audio this time. It rotates through multiple POVs of an Amazing Race-type reality show — lots of tension, revelation and conflict around family and romantic relationships, sexuality, secrets. But fun!
Loved this one — a must for Grace Kelly fans and a lovely, intriguing look at the woman behind the legend. Not sure how long the sale lasts, but check your favorite e-book retailer.
Got an early copy of this historical novel set in 1st-century Britannia — just diving in!
Hey #librariansoflitsy! I‘ll be on this AMAZING historical fiction panel for next week‘s Library Journal Day of Dialog, talking about The Arctic Fury. Plus I‘ll be doing an author chat in the @Sourcebooks booth at 2pm. Hope to connect with you then!
A bit slow to get going but really enjoyed this as a quiet, interior journey of self-discovery for two very different people across two very different generations. Makes me want to read more from Geye.
Can‘t wait until December to read The Arctic Fury? Good news! 10 ARCs are up for grabs on Goodreads. (Just avoid the most recent review, which contains a great big non-hidden spoiler!) Just search for the book on Goodreads or follow the link in this blogpost: http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2020/9/1/win-an-early-copy-of-the-arctic-fu...
Entirely deserving of the raves it‘s getting — this is the most tense I‘ve been reading a crime novel in ages. I was so worried for pretty much every character pretty much all the time! Reminds me of one of my favorites, A Simple Plan, in that way. You know things are going to go wrong and it‘s just a question of how and when and how bad. (Answer: very bad.) Gets pretty violent, but if that‘s okay with you, highly recommended.
I really adored The Hazel Wood, which I listened to on audio, and was blown away by the second in the series, The Night Country. At least as good as the first if not better. If you love the dark side of fairy tales, these are both musts.
Enjoying this upcoming historical novel! Alternates chapters between the perspectives of Jackie Kennedy and Maria Callas, both of whom put up with a lot of you-know-what from husbands and society in general.
Very exciting news to share! https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/nina-dobrev-woman-99-series-bruna-papandrea-123...
Woman 99 is $2.99 today! It isn‘t the first time the ebook price has been temporarily lowered, but it‘s the first time my publisher has given me this awesome link with all the e-book platforms in one place: https://books2read.com/u/3nW2E5
Whether or not you‘ve ever interacted with “Duchess Goldblatt” on Twitter, this is a deeply enjoyable memoir of how an anonymous writer in crisis remade her relationship with the world, rediscovered her creativity, and became friends with Lyle Lovett in the process.
One of my favorite booksellers let me know that ARCs of my next book are starting to land at their destinations! Let the slightly nervous happy dancing begin.
Can‘t believe it took me this long to read this one, I love Stay so much and really enjoyed Swimming For Sunlight. Like her others, it‘s a witty look at a flawed heroine fumbling through the best she can. Jenny gets mistaken for a stranger and decides on a whim to pretend she‘s Jessie, and gets swept up in a life that isn‘t hers. Riveted to the very end.
This popped up as an Instagram memory the other day and I couldn‘t resist sharing. She‘s bigger now and the books are smaller, generally.
My latest review on the Chicago Review of Books is up! I rave about Silvia Moreno-Garcia‘s MEXICAN GOTHIC, which “deserves to be heralded as a new classic of the genre.” Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach, but it‘s gorgeous and mysterious and alluring, just like its jaw-dropping cover. Full review here: https://chireviewofbooks.com/2020/07/10/a-twist-of-the-knife-in-mexican-gothic/
Turns out this book is my 200th recommendation on BookBub! I loved it — wonderful example of how current epic fantasy can be just as riveting as the classics of the genre (if not more so) without relying on the unexamined misogyny, racism and sexual violence that characterizes too many of the sword-and-sorcery epics of yore.
Absolutely hilarious tale of an underachieving woman asked by an old school friend to care for 10-year-old twins... who occasionally catch on fire. Such a hoot on audio.
Lots of fun! Writers with issues and a history, one summer, plenty of steam. Only tangentially beachy, but the sweep-you-away quotient is extremely high, as the name implies. Loved it!
Bookseller, librarian and book reviewer friends asked me to let them know when my next book was available to request on NetGalley -- here we go! https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/191498
This Friday night! Raise a glass with us. 🍸Four historical fiction authors coming together for virtual entertainment, conversation, giveaways and more. More information on my blog or sign up via Crowdcast here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/historical-fiction-happy/register?fbclid=IwAR3ojzlWj_...
Recommended by MIMI LEE GETS A CLUE author Jennifer J. Chow as today's #read99women pick! More here: http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2020/5/7/read99women-jennifer-j-chow