«I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit»
«I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit»
Preparing for #gutunzuria #festival in #bilbao next week 😍😀
Una novela negra ambientada en Pasaia 🙂 inquietante y muy pintoresco
Wonderful, sad, real. I'm happy I've stumbled upon this one! ♥
«La infelicidad no es lo peor que hay en el mundo. No dura eternamente y por lo general nos enseña algo sobre nosotros mismos.»
Let's see what all this noise is about. Hygge, Danish Art of Happiness.
The story, the amount of tragedies that can happen to one person, seems totaly impossible. And yet I couldn't put the book away and I believed every single word of the story. I cries a few times and even reasoning with myself that it was too much to be believable didn't help. Wonderfully written, worth every second I spent on reading it (813 pages!)
The best I've read in a long time!
Total #bookgasm
First U.K. edition (1984) of "The Witches of Eastwick". I have never planned on getting it, it kind of found me
I'm currently reading Stendhal in Spanish and I find it quite disappointing :/ Might be the translatin though...
Donostia Book Club on Monday will be discussing «Breakfast at Tiffany's» :)
I don't know what I expected, but it's rather disappointing. The plot is exactly the same as some of original Castle episodes and the writing is rather poor.I seriously hope none of the writers that appear in the series as Castle's friends is behind it...
La primera caja #bookish : «La Esposa joven» de Alessandro #Baricco , un té, un mapa de la lectura y una postal con un poema de #Baudelaire
En conjunto una preciosidad!
Rereading «Inferno», this time in Spanish :D
I'm finally starting "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". I broke my rule with this one and have already seen the film and I loved every single second of it. I guess it's high time to admit I'm totally addicted to Harry Potter's universe
#Christmas came early this year
- Las historias son lo más salvaje de todo - retumbó la voz del monstruo -. Las historias persiguen y muerden y cazan.
A beautiful Spanish edition. Let's see if the book is as impressive as Bayona's film. The kid actor (can't remember his name :/ ) was amazing!
I loved the film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", but then I'm a Harry Potter fanatic... I can't wait to read the screenplay!
I'm rereading "Fahrenheit 451" for Irun Book Club meeting. I love every single word of it. Unfortunately, the older I get, the more probable it seems to me... Not just an enjoyable syfy book anymore...
"Bialystok. Biala sila, czarna pamiec" Marcina Kackiego mnie zaskoczyl. Odkryl nieznana mi twarz miasta, w ktorym spedzilam dziecinstwo. Polecam, zwlaszcza bialostoczanom.
"How dare you affirm that, Jane Eyre?"
"How dare I, Mrs. Reed? How dare I? Because it is the truth.(...)"
one if famous original illustrations by F. H. Townsend
I had so many doubts about it but it actually worked! Can't wait to read the script of Magical Beasts!
"Almost two hours have passed. She still feels powerful, though she knows that tomorrow she may look back at what she's written and find it airy, overblown. One always has a better book in one's mind than one can manage to get onto paper."
Can't wait to talk to the translator of #thehours by #michaelcunningham on Monday! Donostia Book Club, 10.10.2016 at 19:45 :D