A great deal in information in here. Including some short little biographies of some of the big names in this field
A great deal in information in here. Including some short little biographies of some of the big names in this field
To start tomorrow night
Sad day attending a beloved uncle‘s funeral but lovely bookstore near the wake with a fine selection of occult books, horror memorabilia, & vinyl ♥️💀purchased this beauty & two histories of ghosts
This is one of the books I nabbed at the used book shop yesterday - it looks plain but is full of colour prints and illustrations. It is absolutely gorgeous and covers more than colonial Europe - it is a world history of the occult, witchcraft, and magic. I can see myself spending hours and hours with this book 🖤
Having a great time reading this history of magic and witchcraft with beautiful full page colour plates. I love when books like this have proper references and aren‘t too sensational in what they claim, this one is really well written
I hate when an author gets a fact wrong because the book suddenly loses all credibility to me. I mean, come on! This is an easy fact to check!
Also...in a book talking about the history of magic and witchcraft, why is he using fiction as examples? In the paragraph before this, he mentions the ring in the Lord of the Rings as another magical object.