Highlights from the Home Time launch: 1) There's a sequel coming in 2020 or 2021!! 2) I got my book signed and a really cute character pin 3) Seriously good cheese selection with dehydrated fruit they made themselves 🧀
Highlights from the Home Time launch: 1) There's a sequel coming in 2020 or 2021!! 2) I got my book signed and a really cute character pin 3) Seriously good cheese selection with dehydrated fruit they made themselves 🧀
A very unsettling book. I found it deeply disturbing but was simply unable to put it down.
Campbell Whyte launched his graphic novel at my local library last night and it was great!! We even got given cute little potbelly stove pins! #auslit #graphicnovellove #aussieauthor
Stopped by one of my favourite bookshops on the weekend and could leave empty handed. Excited to start this one next!
Spiderman musing about the usefulness of pockets 😂
About a week ago my bf lent me his favourite Spiderman graphic novels. It's his birthday on the weekend and just quietly I think he's going to LOVE the presents I just finished wrapping 😉
This was hilarious and at times mind boggling - the world of wedding planning is a weird place 😂 Mostly I loved this book for how relatable Lucy Knisley made it. Weather you're planning a wedding or not it's a fun read.
Talking about Poutine: "it's fine to pile on the extras, but then you are obligated to call it what it is: DISCO FRIES". This quote makes me so happy ?
"And in the darkness...steal the covers!" ?
How could I not love this book? Weep is the kind of place I'll always be disappointed I can't visit and Lazlo (the main character, librarian in training and dreamer) the best friend I'll never meet. I cried a bit at the end.
I'm about half way through and completely hooked! It's so much fun to read, but I must've looked crazy on the bus ride home 😬😲🤣
Really excited to finally be starting Laini Taylor's new book!!
Home on a rainy day with a good book, a cup of tea, and chocolate biscuits. It would be perfect if only I could stop sneezing 🤧
Rainy day + Baxters buns tea + a wonderful new book = a great start to the week. Happy Monday everyone!
I was given Murakami's The Wind-up bird chronicle for Christmas and have been living in it since. It is brilliant! A kind of woven tangle of a story that never gives you enough to know where it's leading you but just enough to make you follow regardless. Murakami is a genius!
Beyond the gorgeous illustrations what I loved about this book was the commentary, part diary reflection part history text, the author never shied away from talking about what made him choose each musician and band for this list. The result is a very personal and totally fascinating.
We've had some great reading weather lately! Beautiful and sunny over the weekend and dramatic and stormy today 😎
This book will make you think. It takes ideas of love and life and needles at them until it has you questioning everything. It also has a wonderful sense of place. I spent a few weeks on holiday in the Netherlands earlier this year and with this story I felt like I was there again. With Jacob I got to explore the lanes and canals of Amsterdam once more, learning about Dutch culture and history along the way.
Held at the end of October every year #celebratereading2016 is a national Australian conference that celebrates Australian children's and YA authors. It's also got a bit of a Halloween flare as it's held at the Fremantle Literature Centre, on the grounds of the old (convict built) prison - complete with resident ghosts!
Lili Wilkinson - "I think it's a crime that the editor doesn't get to have their name on the cover". There was so much love for editors at #celebratereading2016
When working with his publicist in London Nick Earls met a brilliant publicity assistant and was going to ask to have her lead the promotion of his next book when he found out the assistant was Renee Zellweger doing undercover research for Bridget Jones's Diary!!! We got to hear so many amazing writers life stories at #celebratereading2016 #AusYAuthors
Yesterday Marcus Zusak gave a keynote speech at the #celebratereading2016 conference. One of his first stories was about giving an author talk in my home town, that no one showed up to and where the librarian made him read anyway. Simultaneously (but fleetingly) embarrassed of my home town and profession! 😳 #AusYAauthors
Haul from the two days of #celebratereading2016 I'm particularly excited to read Lili Wilkinson's 'The Boundless Sublime' and Deb Fitzparick's 'The Break'. #AusYAauthors
"I don't accept that a good romance cannot exist without a brain tumour" - Dianne Touchell at the 'Dying is literary but falling in love is trashy' panel. She also said "let's all be pissed!" in reference to gender marketing in children's and YA lit. #celebratereading2016 #AusYAauthors
"I confess I may be the one that made love trashy" - Nick Earls at the 'Dying is literary but falling in love is trashy' panel. He then told a story about a dinner talk he gave at the Australian National Library (in front of some very important Australian literary and political figures) on points for writing a love scene. Point 9 was: "Any attempt to describe a penis would just make it seem sillier". #celebratereading2016 #AusYAauthors
"Meg Cabot's The Princess Diaries is one of the most radical YA texts I read" - Lili Wilkinson in reference to her Ph.D. research at the Dying is literary but falling in love is trashy panel discussion #celebratereading2016 #AusYAauthors
Freebies from the Fremantle Literature Centres #celebratereading2016 National Conference! We just heard from Marcus Zusak about his next book 😍
Loving the illustrations in this edition. Also how awesomely appropriate is the illustrators name!
This book is incredible in that way where it leaves you reeling for weeks after you've finished it. Nothing feels real anymore. And not in a particularly pleasant way. This book is twisted and dark and incomparable. I think I loved it.
This little guy wanted to read too.
'The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution'
New Books! I got these beauties as a reward (to myself, from myself) for going to the doctors. Sometimes I need motivation to adult. Anyway I'm really excited about this Ray Bradbury tribute. I mean Alice Hoffman, Neil Gaiman and Margaret Atwood in one book - perfection! And Jesse Burton's new book!
Perfect timing 😉
There is nothing about this book I didn't love. Read it.
Set in 1980's Australia. This book cleverly combines Spanish mythology, art history, and the Australian Cultural Terrorist's theft of Picasso's Weeping Woman = a YA book that is fun and also makes you smarter! Loved it!
"...with all these cute little boys and girls playing together like puppies, and all of a sudden I scuttled across the screen like Prufrock's crab. I was very clearly the one who was going to grow up to be a serial killer, or keep dozens and dozens of cats".
"Konrad imagines conscripts sent out at night to net the clouds and release them in the morning through factory chimneys to create the illusion of industry"
Loving Kelsea's discussions with her court, particularly with General Bermond on pages 28-34. There so much tension as she struggles to be diplomatic. Reminds me of conversations I've had with difficult colleagues in real life.