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Joined January 2017

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Not only is this book Disney, which every young child knows and loves but as you are reading, you are able to touch and feel the different textures of animals. I also had to snatch this one up for my niece and nephew! ☺️ Genre: AF https://www2.ed.gov/parents/academic/help/reader/partx1.html I found a link that provides helpful tools for early readers #UCFLAE3414sp17

KennadyM Such a cute book! I love the ones that are textured like that 7y
DrSpalding Perfect for a pre-K classroom. 7y
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I'll Never Let You Go | Smriti Prasadam-Halls
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Also another cute book I bought for my niece and nephew! (Barnes and Noble has a sale; buy 2, get the 3rd one free, btw!) Not only am I excited about stocking up my classroom but I've recently become obsessed with buying children's books. Genre: animal fantasy http://www.smriti.co.uk/ill-never-let-you-go #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding This is a good obsession to have. These books will not go to waste and will help foster a love of reading with the students that come in contact with them in your classroom. 7y
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I grew up reading this book like many others so when I saw it came with a free CD of Eric Carle reading the story I had to buy it! Genre: Animal Fantasy http://www.makinglearningfun.com/themepages/HungryCaterpillarPrintables.htm #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Everyone should know this book. As we witnessed in class, this makes an excellent storytelling as well. 7y
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I bought this book for my twin niece and nephew's first birthday since their parents love to read to them. This book is also great for early, young readers because of the simple text and animal illustrations. Genre: animal fantasy http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32445971-all-the-love-in-the-world #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding You got some good deals at Barnes and Noble. Sweet story appropriate for young children. 7y
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This Old Van | Kim Norman
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This Old Van is a great book to help not only early readers but to also help them count as well. Genre: F http://kimnormanbooks.com/kn/this-old-van/ #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding A variant of Wheels on the Bus 🚌 that highlights a different era! This would make a fun storytelling! 7y
LaurenMcl This seems interesting and the illustration is drawing me in.Adding it to my list! 7y
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Max the Brave | Ed Vere
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This Fiction book would be such a great read aloud for younger students! Max tries to prove how brave he is by chasing mouses.....if he knew what a mouse was! #UCFLAE3414sp17 http://www.edvere.com/2455550-max-the-brave

DrSpalding Mice? Or does he call them "mouses"? ? 7y
Riley.Clayson He calls them "mouse(s)"! ☺️ 7y
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Rufus Goes to School | Kim T. Griswell
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"I have this." Rufus held up his favorite book. "And I want to learn to read it." "Ah!" Principal Lipid smiled. "That makes a difference!" --Poor Rufus just wants to learn how to read but the Principal tells him no pigs in school until he brings his book with him. Such a cute story about perseverance. Genre AF http://www.kimgriswell.com/www.kimgriswell.com/Back_to_School_with_Rufus%21/Back... #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Books about learning read are a must in the primary grades! 7y
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The Rainbow Fish | Marcus Pfister
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I remember reading this book every night as a child. This would be a great book for younger students to read because it teaches students the value of sharing. Genre: AF (Animal Fiction) https://www.teachingchildrenphilosophy.org/BookModule/TheRainbowFish #UCFLAE3414sp17

krystag This used to be one of my favorite books when I was younger! I always loved the different kind of paper used to show the rainbow scales and it made it so interesting. Loved your resource! 7y
sarahs Love this book!! It's great for children of all ages. 7y
LaurenM19 I would love to use this in my classroom and have them make their own fish! 7y
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AnastasiaH This is such a good book, I have such fond memories reading this when I was younger! Another great tale for children. 7y
RanaH I remember always reading this book! Love the colors on the fish. It is such a great book! 7y
DrSpalding Making the 🐟 could be part of an interactive read aloud to impress the importance of SHARING! 7y
AmandaN Love this book! I need to buy it for my daughter. Thanks for sharing. Awesome illustrations in this book and lots of classroom applications that can be used. 7y
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The One and Only Ivan | Katherine Applegate
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I would love to have all my students read this book! Living near all the theme parks, it makes you wonder if those animals are as happy as Ivan is when he settles into his new life at the zoo. Rosie loved the book just as much as I did! Genre: AF (Animal Fantasy) http://theoneandonlyivan.com #UCFLAE3414sp17

Mariachen I also loved this book. It was so heartbreaking to imagine the pain and discomfort animals might go through when they're held captive. 😢 I would definitely recommend this book to future students 7y
PriscillaD I loved this book so much! I think it will be a great book to have your students read! I even got my students at work to read it and they loved it too! 7y
RanaH I loved reading this book! One of my 3rd grade student was also reading it during the time I was reading it. We would talk about the book especially during the time Stella died. 7y
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DrSpalding This book makes you think for sure! I am happy you want your student's to read it. It's a powerful story! 7y
DrSpalding @RanaH this makes me so happy that you were able to discuss this with a student! That's awesome! 7y
AmandaN Your dog 😍😍😍😍 and the book 😂. Loved this book! Thanks for sharing. Lots of things that kids can relate to also (feeling lonely, making friends, and going to new places). 7y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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"Everybody is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing it is stupid." Genre: RF Ally does not know how to read, but hides it by creating clever distractions. She's tired of being made fun of, but too afraid to ask for help until her newest teacher sees past her trouble maker side for how smart she really is. http://www.lyndamullalyhunt.com/books/fish-in-a-tree/ #UCFLAE3414sp17

LaurenM19 I posted on this book too and I love it! 7y
DrSpalding This is a book I need to read! Soon! 7y
AmandaN This is on my list of books to read ASAP! Thanks for reminding me 😂 7y
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This Fantasy book picks up where Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows leaves off, only 19 years later. It is a screen play, but you don't realize it so much as you start to read. In this book, Harry Potter's son and Draco Malfoy's son become best friends while facing obstacles from the past and present. Pictured above is my dog, Bellatrix. http://www.jkrowling.com/book/harry-potter-cursed-child/ #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Bellatrix is cute! I have yet to read this one but own it and plan to soon! #harrypotter 8y
DrSpalding Fantasy, for sure! 8y
CaitlinPVeal What a cool life to text connection! This would be a great book for middle schools that love the Harry Potter series. So cool! 8y
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Raymie Nightingale | Kate DiCamillo
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"We're the Three Rancheros! We're bound to each other through thick and thin." This RF book shows us how friendship can help overcome all the difficulties life can throw at you. http://www.katedicamillo.com/books/raymie.html #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Agreed! Excellent idea to share Kate DiCamillo's site! 8y
CaitlinPVeal This is a great website to have students do their own author study at the end of a lit circle!! 8y
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