No sleep tonight thanks to this gem. I'm a sucker lately for family sagas. #ghanamustgo
No sleep tonight thanks to this gem. I'm a sucker lately for family sagas. #ghanamustgo
Today's deal and new addition to my TBR list. It's billed as a sweeping space opera. There's also a TV show based on the novel on SYFY called The Expanse.
A few of my favorite bookmarks. The Barnes and Noble one has been with me forever. It even references AOL. Um, what?! #bookmarks #wicked
Click like and then go buy this awesome book!! It's a hefty read (912 pages), but well worth it. Great storytelling and multidimensional characters make this door stop of a book a keeper.
So, I've been trying to ignore the urge to go to Barnes and Noble and buy books that will most likely sit on the shelf. I then realized I've been buying ebooks instead. Should have just gone to B&N. #recentpurchases #ebooks #kindle
#bookriot deal of the day #ebookdeal #bookdeal #justkids #nationalbookaward
Well it just figures that my #patronus would be a wild boar. I do
Skipped the gym this morning in hopes that I can get more time to finish this wonderful book. Also, because I felt lazy >.