Predictable but still enticing. Read it within 2 days. Characters where well developed and drove the story. It's a incredible tale of madness and revenge. Hard to put down.
Predictable but still enticing. Read it within 2 days. Characters where well developed and drove the story. It's a incredible tale of madness and revenge. Hard to put down.
Not a fan of short stories BUT this had my name all over it. Peter pan, wizard of oz, King arthur, edgar Allen Poe and even Alice in wonderland are just some of the tales featured and spun into dark but un-putdownable stories.
Intriguing story line and great moral at the end of the story. We follow 'Venus' as she enters prison after killing her stepfather, and are at her side as her autistic brother goes missing then as she's released, we follow her desparate search for him. We also get to read from her brothers POV, and the PIC of several characters in the book.
Seriously, I adore this woman.
I reread this recently (when I first read it last year I couldn't really focus enough) and was blown away at how well she nailed human behavior, espiecally that of women these days.
Absolutely adored this book. It will definitely speak to you and have you thinking. Easily one of my favorite books, great addition if you need some self reflection time. Has the power tochange the way you think or interact.
My new book releases today! I'm a bundle of nerves and excitement rolled into one....
Wonderful and intense and heartbreaking and hopeful and strong. Loved it. Loved it so much.
Hmmm there where parts of this story I loved so much but, it was just okay. I do recommend it though to fans of hers, the story is sweet. I always get discouraged when a book of hers doesn't wow me but I have to remember not every book will be perfect and that's okay. She's still my #1.
I love me a great can't-put-it-down thriller and this was fantastic!! It's a big book but I read it within 3 days. Loved everything about it especially the main characters love for old movies (anxiously waited for the Cary Grant name drop and squealed when it happened haha).
This was a good read. Easy to follow and with no nonsense advice without being mean or too harsh. A good wake up call of a book and I highly recommend it.
Although half of what was in the book is what I try to practice daily anyway this book was still a great read. Definitely recommend it for anyone knew to being more mindful, meditation, and yoga.
I liked the book but definitely felt her debut was better. I was able to guess the ending and twists before I was half way through but it didn't mess with my enjoyment of the book.
Absolutely adored this book. Everybody on earth needs to read it. Eye opening and positive.
I mean, who doesn't read and reread the Bridget Jones' books?!!!
Enjoyed it! A few scenes dragged but the characters are amazingly written and the scenes are hot! Definitely worth the pick up.