Yaaaaas! MADE IT! #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread13 @MonthlyBookClub
Favorite reads for this year...I am torn between The Whisper Man and Verity. #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread12 @MonthlyBookClub
I‘m so excited! Totally going to make it to the 24hr mark!!! #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread11 @MonthlyBookClub
Harry Potter is my favorite series! #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread10 @MonthlyBookClub
Getting there! Nothing pressing tomorrow besides church so I‘m going to get in some night time reading right now. Woot! #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread9 @MonthlyBookClub
Little Women was and still is, my favorite ❤️ #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread8 @MonthlyBookClub
Listening to an audiobook while I prep for dinner. Almost halfway to the finish line! #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread7 @MonthlyBookClub
I have about a half an hour left of this book before it‘s finished. I‘m going to power through it and pass out. #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread5 @MonthlyBookClub
Breezed right on through The Whisper Man thanks to this #mbcreadathon On to the next! #mbcfrogsread4 🐸 @MonthlyBookClub
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Heck 👏 yeah 👏 Way to go Alex North. The pieces of everyone‘s stories were stitched together beautifully. Would not recommend for middle of the night. 👀
Happy to have my afternoon free to put a dent in my read time for the #mbcreadathon Let‘s do this! #mbcfrogsread3
Officially 100% sure that I shouldn‘t have started this so late at night 😳 Holy molyyyyy. #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread1
So excited to finally get my hands on this book today! Wishing our mail would arrive already!
WOW. I did not anticipate this story taking the direction it had.
I just could not get into this book. Too much jumping around in the beginning maybe? Did you enjoy this book/should I try again?
This book was like a box of chocolates. Some parts AMAZING...other parts not so good.
This was seriously a five star read for me. I highly recommend reading it. The ending left me wanting the story to continue. I‘d read the heck out of a sequel!
Enjoyed the unique subject of this book. The author did a great job of making you sympathize and hate characters simultaneously. P.S. My stepdaughter makes the coolest cupcakes! 😉
I knew I shouldn‘t have started listening to this on a day that I have so much to do 🤦♀️ I don‘t want to stop!
I‘m sorry y‘all...some of the depictions in this book were beautiful. I‘ll give it that. But, I just do not understand all the hype. This one fell short for me.
“A young woman in 1940s London who longs to be a war correspondent inadvertently becomes a secret advice columnist.”
The protagonist has a lot of spunk (as do many of her friends). While this story had it‘s fair share of tragedy, it was not outweighed by whimsy. That‘s what made it so fantastic! Very much worth a read.
These bookmarks are the bee‘s knees! (Especially if you have little humans that get ahold of your books.) Gone are the days of finding my place after my children have misplaced the hair tie, candy wrapper, or whatever other miscellaneous thing I‘d been using to mark where I‘d last left off! Woot!
Y‘ALL! I haven‘t read a thriller in a while and enough people were raving about this book that it got my curiosity. From the moment I picked it up, I couldn‘t put it down. It made me...uncomfy...unsettled...the entire time. What a read!
You ever have a book jump out at you when you least expect it and you just have to have it? I was at the grocery store of all places, and they had a shopping cart full of bargain books. So glad I picked this up!