Early morning sunrise means extra time for reading in bed. But first, coffee.
Early morning sunrise means extra time for reading in bed. But first, coffee.
I'm really surprised this book isn't more popular here. I really got a lot out of it. I went into it not knowing what to expect but I related to parts, learned in parts, laughed, and cringed.
I felt really drawn into this story. I'd recommend it.
It was alright. Like a good pep talk from a Scottish friend but not a long term life changer. I took a few good things from it.
Just a so-so from me. I don't think Gothic or horror are my genres so I may not be the best judge. It was fine, and I finished it, but no love here.
Loved this little book! Quick inspiring read!
This isn't a book I would have chosen but it was a book club selection and I gave it a try. I've never played poker (and still have no interest after reading this book) so I found most of the recounting of poker hands and tournaments boring but I did find some of the psychology interesting. Overall, not my thing, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're really into poker maybe.
Still reading The Biggest Bluff.
Not sure if this is my thing, but here goes...
Absolutely a must read for all white people, wherever you fall (or think you fall) on the spectrum of racist to ant-rasict.
I listened to the audiobook, read by Tom Hanks. It was lovely to listen to him, there were a few interesting moments of the book, but overall, not much happened and it just wasn't my cup of tea. If I was reading it, I might have given up halfway through but Tom Hanks kept me hanging in there.
I'm thinking about abandoning these blackbirds. I'm at chapter 10, about 1/3 in, according to my Kindle I have 4.5 hours left, and I'm just not into it. I usually finish every book unless it's really offending me or something. And this book is fine but just not that interesting... I just can't see giving another 4 hours of my time to something I'm not enjoying when there are so many other books waiting for me out there! I'll decide today.
I loved this book. I expected a light romance, which it was. It was cute and sweet and a little bit of escapism. Who doesn't want to imagine Christmas at a cozy Colorado cabin with their cute crush? It was all of that, of course. But is it ridiculous for me to say I took something deeper from it? A call to speak your feelings and shake your life up? This is the first book I've read by Christina Lauren but I'll be back for more!
I loved this book. I laughed, I grieved. I regretted not following my pre-med dreams, I rejoiced in not following my pre-med dreams. I felt even more grateful to those doctors that sacrificed for my health and my family's health. CW: infertility, pregnancy loss, maternal death, and all of the complications that an ob-gyn has to work with.
Still reading this, usually when I can't sleep at night. I have to try to keep my laughter quiet and not wake up my husband! 😂
This book had me laughing from the very start.
A tough but important read. Timely and insightful.
So good! I'll be thinking about this one for a while. I'm a slow reader but I devoured this in a few days. Looking forward to a movie version, I hope it does it justice!
I'm into this. Started it today and I've been reading it all afternoon!
Listening to Alex Trebek and Ken Jennings while working on my Christmas cards! 🎄💌
Started this a few days ago. I keep getting distracted and need to read the first couple of chapters over to remember who is who and what's going on! 🙈
I finished The Nightingale last night. I'll be honest and admit I don't usually like historical fiction, but this was really good!
Hmm... this book is weird but I liked it! I don‘t know that I‘d go out of my way to recommend it, because it was unusual, but I‘m glad I read it
Finished Bunny. Not sure what I thought of it yet.
It's cold outside (46° F) but I'm reading outside. The fire helps a little!
I'm enjoying this audiobook so far.
I loved this book! I love the concept, the lessons about the impermeability of time and inevitable nature of our own fates. So glad I read this!
I'm loving an afternoon in the sun with my best friend and a good book!
I finally finished Midnight Sun. It took me almost the entire 3 weeks of my library loan. I also admit I just “skimmed” in a few places. Overall, I loved being back in the early days of the romance between Bella & Edward but I think a good editor could have trimmed this down a little bit. Also, I‘m surprised how much I didn‘t completely remember the story line of Twilight!
I'm STILL reading Midnight Sun. It's due back in 4 days so the pressure is on!
The wait has ended! Just got this from my library. Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend. I hope the rain continues so I have an excuse to stay inside & read.
I really enjoyed this book, it was well written, I enjoyed the prosecutor, and the story was fantastic. It's also a quick read. Highly recommend!
I really liked this book. Quick and easy to read, with a few twists and turns to keep it interesting. I also ❤️ reading books set in NYC.
Husband is watching football and I'm reading with noise cancelling headphones on. This book has really drawn me in!
Is there anything better than lazy afternoon beach house reading with your best friend while someone else cooks dinner? I think not!
Finished this today, not quite sure what I think of it yet but I do want to check out the series on Hulu!
Reading Normal People, I'm 74% done. I like it so far and am excited to check out the show on Hulu!