I didn't want it to end! This book was spectacular! 😍I'll miss Monty, Percy, & Felicity! I can't wait to read this again already! #allexclamationpoints #roaringromp #babycomeback
I didn't want it to end! This book was spectacular! 😍I'll miss Monty, Percy, & Felicity! I can't wait to read this again already! #allexclamationpoints #roaringromp #babycomeback
#lunchbreak with #throneofglass & my favorite street food! Korean BBQ IN A CUP ❤️
#classy picnic on lunch at work with the Spellman's!
The laughs don't stop 😂😂 I love when books have lil inside jokes
Page 22 & I'm already ROFL 😂 Rae is definitely my favorite Spellman! #summerreads
#backatitagain Spellman's numero dos! I love the covers ❤️
This book made me laugh out loud & had a few jaw dropping twists. I loved every second. Isabel reminded me of a stoner Veronica Mars & I can't think of a better heroine for a mystery book. I can't wait to jump into the next book!
1. Salt Lake City 😍
2. Someone posted about it in a bookish FB group
3. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist 🤘🏻
4. Yes! His name was Myrtle & I was three 👶
@saguarosally #welcomelitten
Loving this book so far!! Perfect for a hang in the shade ❤️
This is TEARIN me up! 😩😭
This book was like a breath of fresh air! I loved every second of it & could not put it down! I'm now going to devour all of Sara J Maas' books like the hungry caterpillar 😍
It took me a long while to realize that Rhysand, whether he knew it or not, had effectively kept me from shattering completely.