This book is destroying me. #allthefeelings
About halfway through, and I'm *still* not understanding the hype. The concept is great, but seriously, pick a narrative style already! This thing switches randomly between first person and variations on third person, plus it time jumps all over the place. Ugh. Will be hard to finish.
Finally got my hands on a copy and really enjoying it! (Though it does make me sad to see how people mistreat library books...)
It was incredibly hard to get into this book...the pace really didn't start picking up until about 60% through. I'm glad I stuck with it, because from that point on the story really moved. I liked the end, and overall the premise was fantastic, but the execution could definitely have been better.
Having a hard time with this one. The cover is captivating and the premise enticing, but it has been difficult to slog through the first 100 pages. I'm hoping it picks up soon, because I really, really want to love this book (despite not being fond of Black's The Coldest Girl in Coldtown).
Since I've never read a novel written in verse before, I really wasn't sure how I'd feel about it. So far I'm loving the snappy pace, and I'm finding it easier than expected to relate to Marcie and her story. (pg. 172/432)
Engrossing, gut-wrenching, and superbly written. The kind of book I want to clutch close to my heart.