You know you're in for a funny book when it starts with an anecdote about enemas.
You know you're in for a funny book when it starts with an anecdote about enemas.
Surprisingly conflicted about this book. I read it in a day and had a hard time stepping away from it but I don't know that I ever really felt surprised or fearful. I can't tell If that's because Jackson was he original mind behind this style of storytelling and I've just been inundated with copies of it, or if it was cliched when it was originally written. Worth a read if you want a classic scary story and have read your way through the others.
Made the mistake of waiting several years between the first two Hyperion books and this one. I spent the first hundred pages confused and trying hard to remember all the detailed craziness of the previous books. Once o got halfway through the plot picked up but mannnnnnn. Talk about a slow build. It could've been cut by a hundred pages and not lost anything. Despite the "cliffhanger" ending I'm not sure whether I'll read the final book.